Demolition to kick-start new housing estate

The former warehouse facilities of Ridgeons building merchants on Cromwell Road, Cambridge will shortly be demolished, making way for a large new housing neighbourhood, as Cambridge City Council looks to increase council homes in the region.

Local construction firm Mick George Ltd will imminently complete the demolition works on behalf of Hill Partnerships Ltd.

It is understood that Mick George Ltd have made considered efforts within the scope of the works to recycle much of the demolition materials for re-use, minimising traffic congestion within the area.

More than 200 new homes are set to be built, with as many as 90 allocated for Council accommodation. A mixture of apartment blocks and houses will be created, alongside a park running through the centre of the site, car parking, a community building and access to the Chisholm Trail cycle route also.

The new homes will be developed by Cambridge Investment Partnership, which is an equal, 50:50 Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) between Cambridge City Council and Hill Investment Partnerships, set up to optimise the use of the council’s property through investment in residential, commercial, and other uses to achieve social and financial returns.

The 3.3-hectare former Ridgeon’s site will enable the council to take a big step towards delivering its programme to build 500 new council homes in five years, using the £70m funding secured in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough devolution deal, in addition to its own resources.

The development will include at least 40% of the new homes as social rented council homes, owned and managed by the council, and let to tenants on the housing needs register at rents no higher than the Local Housing Allowance.

Michael George, Managing Director of Mick George Ltd commented: ‘’This is yet another major housing development in Cambridgeshire that we’re pleased to be working in conjunction with Hills Partnership Ltd. We’re pleased that contractors and developers are taking advantage of the multitude of services that our business offers, and subsequently reaping the rewards.’’

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025