BDC Magazine

car insurance

Get Started With Your Accident Claim – A Complete Guide

No matter how carefully you drive or how much attention you pay, the risk of you being involved in a car accident is highly probable due to the increased number of road users. If you have been injured in a car accident, then this guideline should offer the support you

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How You Can Get Car Insurance as a First-Time Driver

First-time drivers may feel that they already know everything that they should do when they are on the road but actually, there are still a lot more that they have to know before they can ride their cars freely. You may not really think about car insurance when you are

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024

car insurance

Get Started With Your Accident Claim – A Complete Guide

No matter how carefully you drive or how much attention you pay, the risk of you being involved in a car accident is highly probable due to the increased number of road users. If you have been injured in a car accident, then this guideline should offer the support you need whether you are a passenger, driver, motorcyclist, bicyclist or pedestrian. What Should Be Done At The Scene Of A Car Accident? When involved in car accident you have a legal duty to stop at the scene, as well as your legal duty, it is also beneficial for you to stop to make sure you can assess the situation effectively, making sure no one is injured, what (if any) damage has been caused to the vehicles involved and if any other property has been damaged. Being involved in an accident is not something someone starts their day predicting, therefore, if an unfortunate event happens, it is likely you will be left in a state of shock and could struggle to process what has happened. It is important to try to remain calm and collect all the necessary details you may need, especially if you pursue to make a car accident claim for the loss and suffering you have experienced. Important information to collect at this stage would be: Vehicle Damage Evidence – this can be obtained by taking photographs via your phone, but try not just to gather evidence of your own vehicle, try to obtain pictures of any damage caused to the other parties’ vehicle as well. If the vehicle is heavily damaged, you need to get professional advice from your car insurer. Obtain The Other Driver’s Information – details including name, address, and contact details. If they are not the owner of the vehicle, then be sure to get the owner’s information to Vehicle Information – including registration, model of the vehicle and the colour Insurance Information – including the name of the insurance company and the driver policy number. Again if the driver is not the owner of that particular vehicle, try to obtain their insurance information also Independent Witness Details – this means someone who has not been involved in but has witnessed the accident and can give a clear statement if needed. They also must be unknown to either party involved to ensure they can be classed as independent. While gaining independent witness details, ensure you have gained their full name, contact number and address Photographs That Can Help Explain What Has Happened, e.g. taking photographs of road markings, how the vehicles have positioned themselves after the accident etc. It is important to try and remain calm and keep yourself and any passengers you may have safe, therefore if you feel your safety is at risk or someone has been badly injured then call the emergency services and seek immediate medical attention. If the police were involved, make sure all information given by them is kept safe, most importantly the reference number they provide you Gaining The Medical Attention You Need After An Accident However minor or major your injuries feel due to the accident, it is important you seek the appropriate medical attention to ensure there is no underlying condition caused and to ensure you have received all the treatment you need.  Depending on the severity of your injuries will depend on what type of medical attention you seek, if your injuries are severe you may want to call the emergency services to get an ambulance, however, if they seem minor in nature you could attend your GP or a local NHS walk-in centre. A common occurring injury brought on by RTAs (Road Traffic Accidents) is known as whiplash. This type of injury is caused by a sudden forceful movement which is caused by the impact of your vehicle colliding into something. Common tell-tale signs of having whiplash are discomfort and stiffness in your neck area when moving, along with headaches. Who Is Eligible To Make A Claim? All road users have a legal right to make a claim when they have been injured in an accident that isn’t their fault, this includes: Vehicle drivers Passengers – whether you are a passenger on public or private transport Pedestrians Motorcyclists Bicyclists A passenger can start a claim regardless of whether it is the driver of the vehicle they were in who is at fault. If you were in a passenger in your family member’s or friend’s vehicle, in a taxi or on a bus/coach, whether it was your driver who has caused the accident or not you could be eligible to claim. A passenger could also be eligible to make a claim if they have sustained an injury due to careless driving. The driver owes their passengers a duty of care to ensure they do not drive carelessly causing anyone to fall, they should also ensure care is taken when passengers are entering or exiting the bus. Making A Claim For A Car Accident Starting a claim for compensation for your injuries and other losses sustained in an accident can be quick and easy, simply contact specialist solicitors, and they will guide you through the entire process.  Often as a passenger, it is confusing to know if you are eligible to claim and who from, especially if you feel the driver of the vehicle you were in may be at fault. This is where your solicitors will be able to help you, letting you know from the first point of contact if you have a claim and whose insurance you would be claiming from. Starting Your Claim Starting a claim is quick and easy, once you have begun speaking with a solicitor you will find out if you have a valid claim and be able to gain tailored advice that will best suit your situation. After gaining the advice, if you wish to make a claim, the setup will require the following details: Your personal details – e.g. Name, Address, Phone Number, DOB, National

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How You Can Get Car Insurance as a First-Time Driver

First-time drivers may feel that they already know everything that they should do when they are on the road but actually, there are still a lot more that they have to know before they can ride their cars freely. You may not really think about car insurance when you are driving for the first time. You will probably think about where you are going to use your car, how you are going to use your car, and what your friends will think of the car that you have. Car insurance may be the least of your concerns. You should know now that car insurance is going to be important. You can check if you want more details about the car insurance policies that are available for first-time drivers like you. The Most Cost-Effective Way The most cost-effective way that you can get car insurance is when you are added to another person’s policy. It is very possible that someone in your household already has car insurance. When you get added, this means that you will get the right benefits whenever you drive. When you are a first-time driver, you will be considered as a high-risk driver by insurance companies which means that your premium will be higher as compared to those who have been driving for a long time. The only option that is available for you is to make sure that you will be added to the insurance plan of a driver that already owns car insurance. Possible Discounts You May Get There are some potential discounts that the original car insurance owner may have that will lower all of your premiums even further:  Bundling the car insurance with other cars of the household  Bundling your car insurance with other insurance policies like home insurance, and so much more.  Getting additional driving courses You need to prove that you are a good driver if you would take some driving courses that will show that you take driving seriously. Shop Around One of the best things that you can do is to check the different car insurance companies that are available. You can get several quotes from different companies and you should find the one that will provide the lowest rates possible. There are also some people who would like to pay the full amount the moment that they get their chosen policy. This can be very effective too especially when you are trying to save up. You will pay a lower amount initially and you also do not have to worry about subsequent payments until such time when you need to renew your policy again. In addition, every first time driver can also use a lawyer for many reasons. The most common reason is because lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to help individuals who have been involved in car accidents. They understand the laws surrounding car accidents, and they can help their clients to receive the compensation that they deserve. In addition, lawyers can also help first time drivers to avoid costly mistakes. For example, many first time drivers do not know how to negotiate with insurance companies. As a result, they may end up paying more for their insurance than they need to. Lawyers like Dennis Hernandez & Associates can help them to get the best possible rate. Finally, lawyers can also help first time drivers to navigate the legal system. This is especially important if they have been charged with a traffic violation. A lawyer can help them to understand their rights and options, and he or she can ensure that they receive a fair hearing. In short, there are many good reasons why every first time driver needs a lawyer. Good Student Discount Who says that your grades will not have an effect on the things that you have to do in life? The fact that you can get a discount when you have good grades may inspire you to pay more attention to your education more. You need to have a GPA average of 3.0 or higher so that you can get this type of discount. You may be required to provide them with a transcript that will show your recent grades so that you can prove that you have the grades that will make you eligible for this type of discount. Having good grades can make your parents proud and can lessen the amount that you have to pay for car insurance too. Consider the Right Vehicle Let us say that you are looking for the right vehicle that will be given to you by your parents or you will purchase with your hard-earned money. How are you going to pick the one that will work best? When you pick a luxury vehicle, you are going to pay more not only because the cars are more expensive. It will be ideal if you would check the vehicle that will work best for your needs. Since it is your first time to own a car anyway, you do not have to spend a lot of money on a vehicle yet. You can even get an older vehicle first and learn how to drive better with the use of this vehicle. The more that you know, the better that you will feel. Another way to travel would be by bus, you can find out more on how to book your Lubbock bus here. How to Minimize Premiums Further Young drivers can always minimize their premiums if they would make an effort to keep their driving record clean at all times. You can also install a safety device on your car so that you can have even lower premiums. When you commit yourself to drive with a clean driving record, you will have a chance to get lower premiums.

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