EasyGates produce video to educate and inform on safe gate installations

EasyGates have produced a 3D animated video posing the question ‘Is your automated gate safe’? The 4 minute video covers some general hazard areas and structural hazards that can be avoided with correct and proper installations.

At a time when it is estimated that only 30% of the automated gates in the UK are installed to regulation standards, it could mean many gates in the UK could be potentially dangerous.

Following a recent manslaughter charge to a gate installer for incorrectly installing automated gates and the current focus on gate safety following the Gate Safety Conference and Gate Safety Week last week, the release of the video comes at a poignant and relevant time.

The video aims to help and support owners, occupiers, landlords and installers understand and acknowledge that they have a legal responsibility for the safety of their powered gates. And that it is always recommended that a competent expert is used to check and service automatic gates on a regular basis.

The video looks at a number of hazardous situations including being hit by a moving gate, being caught or trapped by moving or stationary parts and being crushed against or trapped by an obstacle.

Structural hazard scenarios are also covered with focus on how the outside elements can affect structure integrity and safety. Strong wind forces, cracks, bends, defective welding, suitability in the structure, water ingress, damage to cabling, control boxes and connections between components.

EasyGates Managing Director, Tony Daniels-Gooding said: ‘We felt it was important to produce this video to show some example potential hazards automatic gates have and how with the correct installation, inspection and testing, that they can be used safely and efficiently. We all have a responsibility to each other and our customers in this sector to ensure automatic gate installations adhere to and meet regulation standards.

EasyGates are ASO Safety Solutions UK competence partners, supplying a number of the core safety products to the UK marketplace and providing quality, safety and technical service to a wide range of customers.

[wpdevart_youtube]youtu.be/TEA3tL0llhU [/wpdevart_youtube]

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025