
A major flood defence and regeneration scheme for Derby was approved by Derby City Council’s planning control committee last night.
The innovative scheme proposals are to reduce Derby’s flood risk and maximise regeneration opportunities along the River Derwent. The flood defences would be designed to protect the city against a 1 in 100 year chance of flood occurrence and provide an ideal opportunity to release the economic potential of brownfield sites along the river frontage.
Councillor Martin Rawson, Deputy Leader of Derby City Council and Cabinet Member for Communities and City Centre Regeneration said: “I am delighted that Our City Our River has the agreement to go ahead. I am keen to see the benefits of this pivotal scheme delivered on the ground as soon as possible. The riverside area contains a number of sites with the potential for development but this has not previously been possible due to their location within zones of high flood risk.”
“Planning approval for this scheme marks the start of a new era for Derby with vital flood protection measures and the significant regeneration of key development sites along the riverside. We will see the city centre re-connected to the river and the important economic and social benefits associated with a reinvigorated riverside community.”
The core objectives of the scheme are to:
 Reduce flood risk to protect people and property by creating realigned flood defences, using flood walls, raising and lowering of land to create embankments and the creation of a new flood conveyance corridor
 Maximise regeneration and sustainable development opportunities along the river frontage
 Release the economic potential of brownfield sites currently at significant risk of flooding
 Improve access to the riverside including pedestrian and cycle routes
 Enhance the significant heritage assets of the city to help promote tourism to the city

 Enhance ecology, wildlife and biodiversity along the river and deliver the Water Framework Directive objectives.
A planning application was submitted in February for the scheme which aims to be delivered by 2022. The planning application is a hybrid application which includes both full and outline planning proposals and proposals delivered through the Environment Agency’s permitted development rights. The overall scheme covers 13 kilometres of the River Derwent and is forecast to cost approximately £95 million with funding coming from a number of sources including Flood Defence Grant in Aid, the Environment Agency, Local Growth Fund and Derby City Council.
The contractor, GBV, will be starting work on Package 1 of the scheme next month, subject to planning conditions. The full planning application is available on Derby City Council’s eplanning service – quote reference number 02/15/00210.
Further information on the Our City Our River scheme is available on the Our City Our River web page.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025