Successful Gate Safety Conference

The third Gate Safety Conference took place on Wednesday 14th October 2015 in the West Midlands.

Attendees from numerous industry sectors including property management, gate, garage door and facility management visited the one day event hosted by ASO Safety Solutions, supported by EasyGates.


The event took place during the DHF’s Powered Gate Group, Gate Safety Week and included guest speakers from across the industry addressing the ongoing issue of gate safety awareness.


Simon Mersch of ASO Safety Solutions opened the conference with some key industry facts and figures followed by EasyGates Stuart Roddy who recapped on the two previous conferences and discussed new developments in the UK door and gate market.


Bob Perry from the Door Hardware Association was joined by Neil Sampson of the Powered Gate Group to discuss the importance of Gate Safety Week, reasons, objections and participations.


The HSE’s Stuart Charles presented a hard-hitting and emotive detailed section on possible penalties and how they can be prevented, how the safety expectations have changed within the industry and what liabilities there are.


Tony Weeks, head of Technical Services at National Security Inspectorate presented on the NSi’s involvement in the UK gate industry and developments in the code of practice.


Michael Skelding and Nick Perkins of the DHF updated on the renewal of EN 12453 and the UK’s position on the international committee for standardisation. Nick discussed practical applications of solutions and technologies.


Marcus Horstkemper of ASO then discussed the different types of force limitation, signal transmission and closing edge safety devices.


Gte’s Christian Pfeiffer presented details on force testing and its role in gate maintenance with a demonstration.


EasyGates Managing Director, Tony Daniels-Gooding said: ‘The conference was very well received and attendees have expressed how worthwhile and interesting it was. Taking place during Gate Safety Week, it was an ideal time to highlight the importance and responsibility we all have in the industry to ensure we meet the requirements of contracting, installing and maintaining safe and proper gate installations.


EasyGates are ASO Safety Solutions UK competence partners, supplying a number of the core safety products to the UK marketplace and providing quality, safety and technical service to a wide range of customers.

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