Scottish Water Announces £120m Consultancy Framework Joint Venture Partnerships

Scottish Water has appointed two joint ventures to a £120m six-year technical consultancy framework. One venture between Atkins and RPS JV and one other between Mott MacDonald and MWH have been chosen to supply project management, design and development work in addition to feasibility studies to assist Scottish Water’s building partners.

A joint venture between Morrison Utility Services and Aecom and the BBV Alliance, a partnership between Black & Veatch and Byzak (a part of Amey), have also been named as Scottish Water’s development companions in 2014.

The new deal will end in 2021, however there may be an choice for Scottish Water to increase the contract to 2027.

Scottish Water’s Director of Strategic Customer Service planning Simon Parsons mentioned: “ARC (Atkins and RPS) and m² (Mott MacDonald and MWH) possess a level of expertise which supports the delivery of our new investment programme.

“The new investment programme will help support vital employment in the Scottish economy while enabling Scottish Water to build on the significant improvements made to water and waste water services in recent years.”

ARC Chief Operating Officer Paul Aitken also mentioned: “Our mission is to [help] Scottish Water improve its service to customers and communities across Scotland by promoting more effective, resilient and efficient asset and operational solutions.”

Judy Anderson, Framework Directior for the Mott MacDonald/MWH JV, mentioned: “I believe that m2 brings the right combination of talented and experienced people, to complement and support Scottish Water’s own resources in achieving its vision to be Scotland’s most valued trusted business.”

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025