HSL: LEV – Practical management of Local Exhaust Ventilation – BOHS approved – HSL Buxton, 7 Oct 2016

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HSL is to run a 1 day course on LEV – Practical Management of Local Exhaust Ventilation Controls – BOHS Approved.

7 October 2016

BOHS new logo


Local exhaust ventilation is a commonly used method of
controlling workers’ exposure to airborne contaminants. However,
LEV is not always as effective as it could be and all too often
fails to protect workers’ health. The reasons for LEV failure are
varied, ranging from a failure at the design stage to poor
maintenance and testing practices.

The course will cover

The course will demonstrate how to successfully manage LEV
systems in order to get effective, efficient, and reliable control
of contaminants at least cost. This course is a British Occupational Hygiene Society
approved course.

Download our Practical Management of LEV flyer.

Who should attend?

The course will be of interest to a range of people


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of
Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good
links to mainline train stations and Manchester International

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk

Presenters include

This course has been developed by HSE/HSL with input from other
course providers. It will be delivered by Dr Mark Piney (former HSE
Specialist Inspector and main author of HSG 258) in conjunction
with HSL specialists in LEV.

This LEV management course has been featured in the July 2011
issue of
Safety and Health Practitioner
magazine. Mark has
summarised the key issues for employers, and their advisers,
procuring or reviewing their LEV exposure controls.


The cost of the course is £450 per person (includes course
notes, lunch and refreshments).

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Please note the invoice option is not available within 4
weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you
are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory
to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to
process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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