HSL: Taming Tigers-Safety Excellence in Engineering – in partnership with The University of Manchester – HSL Buxton, 9-10 Nov 2016

One of the biggest challenges facing the engineering
leadership community in high-risk industries is delivering value to
the business. Given that safety and risk management is and should
be the highest priority, how can businesses deliver safe design /
operations AND maintain competitive advantage?

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the specific challenges in HSSE management for high
    risk industries and explore solutions.

  • Understand the journey of organisational cultural change for

  • Understand the application of Technical Risk Management for low
    probability and high consequence events.

  • Understand good practice for technical leadership in high-risk


Delivery Method

In this Master Class we aim to
outline concepts and principles based on technology, risk and
project management good practice. We are delighted to have several
high profile guest speakers (former senior leaders from high-risk
industries and regulators). These interactive guest speaker
sessions are a great opportunity for delegates to learn from
invaluable project and operations experience.

A short pre-work will aim to
identify delegate challenges in Health, Safety, Security and
Environment (HSSE). During the Master Class our subject matter
experts and delegates will work together to consider sustainable
solutions to the main challenges identified.

Draft Programme includes

Day 1 Approx Timings
12:00 – 17:00

Registration and Lunch

Welcome: Prof Andrew Curran HSE Chief Scientific
Adviser (HSE)

Introductions and Overview of the Event: Prof
Gale (UoM)

Keynote Speaker TBC

Ice Breaking Exercise – The Marshmallow
Challenge: Prof Andrew Gale (UoM)

Challenges with Health, Safety, Security, and
Environment (HSSE): Dr Moray Kidd (UoM)

Technical Risk Management for Low
Probability & High Consequence Events:
Matt Clay

Evening Meal

Fire Side Chat: Keynote Speaker TBC


Learning Circles – Reflections from Day 1: Dr
Moray Kidd (UoM) All

Technical Risk Management for Low Probability
& High Consequence Events: Matt Clay (HSL)

Guided Tour of HSL

How to avoid Project Wreckages: Prof Andrew
Gale (UoM)

Mindful Leadership in Technical Safety: Rosemary
Whitbread (HSL)

Plenary Discussion: Dr Moray Kidd (UoM)

Closing Remarks and Evaluation


Who should attend

Engineering or project managers aspiring to become future senior
leaders within high-risk industries.



The Masterclass will be run at the Health & Safety Laboratory
in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak
District and has good links to mainline train stations and
Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk



The cost of this Masterclass is £1200 per person, this price
includes an evening meal on 9th November.


Delegates will receive a Statement of Achievement on successful

This Masterclass is run in partnership with The University of


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Issue 325 : Feb 2025