Process and fire incidents – Buxton, 5-6 July 2016

Book Course

HSL is to run a 2 day course on Process & Fire Incidents.

5-6 July 2016


A photo negative of a fire plumeThis two-day course is designed to introduce
delegates to lessons learned from a number of significant or high
profile incidents involving fires or chemical processes.

Drawing on the wealth of investigation experience within HSL to
provide detailed histories of incidents, key outcomes of the
investigations and examples of how investigation and follow up
research has led to improvements in safety.

There will be significant practical demonstration content in the
course where you will witness live experiments.

What will the course cover?

  • Chemical reaction hazards and incidents

  • Fire & explosion incidents – history & principles

  • Risk reduction strategies

  • A practical demonstration programme

Who should attend?

Senior managers, safety professionals, health and safety
managers, insurers, trade union representatives.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of
Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good
links to mainline train stations and Manchester International

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at


The cost of the course is £1,250 per person (includes course
notes, refreshments and a course dinner).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4
weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.

For further dates and additional information email:
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit

at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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