The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced the timeline for redesigning the construction industry levy.
CITB says it will consult with employers in the construction sector to discuss how its levy could work in relation to the Government’s Apprenticeship Levy.
As planned, the Consensus process will take place next year, which will see a full consultation with a variety of employers from the industry to discuss the CITB Levy.
The industry asked for this timetable to make sure that all employers in the construction industry will be able to submit their views on how the CITB Levy should be modified for a potential new Levy Order in the next two years, as well as considering the CITB support that this could fund.
Before the formal Levy consultation, CITB will meet employers to discuss the best way the organisation can meet their needs.
One of the ways to be considered is making the existing grants scheme more accessible and relevant, especially for smaller businesses.
CITB is also set to re-establish the Levy Working Party, which will be made up of representatives from all around the construction industry.
The meeting will see the firms come up with different possibilities for a possible new CITB Industry Levy. Included in the working party is CITB Board Member Diana Graham, Ian Rogers from the Scottish Decorators’ Federation and Hannah Warburton from Laing O’Rourke.
For 2017 only, the timeline will require a temporary transition agreement in order to lessen the impact of the CITB Levy and the Apprenticeship Levy on firms.
This is due to the fact that organisations with a payroll in excess of £3 million will be required to pay both levies next year.
However, CITB insists it will assist these companies in claiming back a significant proportion of their CITB Levy contribution through enhanced funding for the training they do.