
HSE & HMRC joint webinar: Working with construction and with contractors – 5 July 2016

Find answers to typical questions about health and safety in construction as a commercial client and as a small contractor in this live webinar.

Webinar overview

As a business you may need to choose a contractor for building or repair work on your premises. Both you, as a commercial client, and the contractor, will have duties to make sure the work is carried out safely and without causing ill health or injury.

HSE and HMRC are working together to deliver a live webinar about the typical situations you are likely to face. The webinar consists of two presentations, the first from HSE and the second from HMRC which signpost the tools and guidance available to both clients and small contractors and includes a fictional case study to show how they work in practice. It looks at some of the questions you may have and guides you through the answers.

Some of the topics that will be included in the webinar:

  • Having construction work done safely
  • Doing construction work safely
  • Choosing a contractor
  • Fragile roof work

Who should attend?

  • Small commercial clients
  • Small building contractors
  • Safety reps
  • Those with an interest in health and safety

Webinar date

Once you have registered the webinar organizer will communicate with you regarding this event.

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