July 10, 2016

Costain lands £120m Gatwick rail job

Network Rail confirmed to Construction News Costain had been awarded the design-and-build contract. Costain has begun work with Network Rail covering the Grip 3 and 4 development phases of the scheme. Construction of the project is scheduled to start in 2017, with completion expected in 2020. Costain is currently the

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New APHC President Outlines Objectives

The new president of the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC) has focussed on lobbying activities and building regulations in his first speech. In his inaugural address as APHC national president, Brian Silvester discussed the two key activities that he believes will improve trade conditions for the quality heating

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Parliament Consults Contractors on £650m Refurbishment

Parliament has started consulting with contractors on the £650 million refurbishment works to the UK parliamentary estate. The UK parliament has started an exercise of market engagement to talk about plans for procuring a main works contracting partner to support its northern estate programme. The scheme will consist of the

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025

July 10, 2016

Costain lands £120m Gatwick rail job

Network Rail confirmed to Construction News Costain had been awarded the design-and-build contract. Costain has begun work with Network Rail covering the Grip 3 and 4 development phases of the scheme. Construction of the project is scheduled to start in 2017, with completion expected in 2020. Costain is currently the lead contractor on the £400m redevelopment of London Bridge, which last month opened its platforms and new concourse. The work will include doubling the size of the concourse area and the installation of escalators and lifts to improve platform access. It comes as demand at the station is forecast to increase by a third to 20 million passengers a year by 2025. A Network Rail spokesman said: “Given the early stages of the development, it’s not possible to put a cost on the scheme, or a value on Costain’s contract.” In 2014, the value for the station redesign was listed as £120.5m, with the Department for Transport contributing £50m to the scheme, while Network Rail and Gatwick would pay £30m each. Source link

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New APHC President Outlines Objectives

The new president of the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC) has focussed on lobbying activities and building regulations in his first speech. In his inaugural address as APHC national president, Brian Silvester discussed the two key activities that he believes will improve trade conditions for the quality heating and plumbing contractor. Silvester commented: “Over the next year I would like to promote and support the lobbying work that we are engaged in; which I am quite passionate about, and personally believe will bring about much needed change for the betterment of our industry.” Speaking at last Saturday’s annual APHC President’s Dinner, Silvester started his speech by discussing the independent research which is currently being carried out into the lack of enforcement of Building Regulations in the heating and plumbing industry. The new APHC boss also spoke about how the research hopes to both qualify the experiences of heating and plumbing contractors  in this area around on site workmanship standards and the issues they face when applying regulations and competing for work and quantify levels of enforcement activity taking place with relation to Building Regulations work. Silvester emphasised that the principal aim of the research is to quantify the implications of the existing enforcement strategies on the heating and plumbing industry and he explained that the findings, which are set to be publicised by the APHC next month, will form the basis of new solutions in the industry which will be presented later in the year to the government. He added that the group will aim to lobby the government for the much needed regulatory change in this area, along with fellow industry bodies. The new president also touched on the work of APHC in collaboration with several partners in the industry and bigger gas contracting firms, in refining the ACS gas reassessment requirements.

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Parliament Consults Contractors on £650m Refurbishment

Parliament has started consulting with contractors on the £650 million refurbishment works to the UK parliamentary estate. The UK parliament has started an exercise of market engagement to talk about plans for procuring a main works contracting partner to support its northern estate programme. The scheme will consist of the essential refurbishment and repair of several historic office buildings on the parliamentary estate in the area of the Palace of Westminster. Included in the work is a full refurbishment of the Palace of Westminster parliament building itself, which is reported to cost at least £1 billion, although it could include some early elements of the Palace of Westminster Restoration & Renewal Programme. The northern estate programme works will be made up of the renewal of electrical and mechanical services, along with the restoration of the fabric of the listed buildings. It is expected that the work will cost in the region of £150 million to £160 million and will be complete in around three or four years. The buildings that will be refurbished are: Norman Shaw North, Norman Shaw South, 1 Derby Gate, Canon Row residences, 1 Parliament Street and other decant buildings as required and potentially certain early elements of the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme. Parliament is seeking the views of contractors in order to assess the market interest and capability to deliver and manage the programme, while it is also a chance to talk about the programme more generally and inform Parliament’s approach to procurement. Parliament’s Strategic Estates department is seeking advice on: contract shape and size, procurement strategy and any significant risks that could impact on the delivery of the works and the success of the procurement. Any contractors who are interested in the works have been invited to fill out a questionnaire and return it by August 3, 2016.

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Featuring Horbury Joinery: Interview With Contracts Director David Bastow

  Horbury Safe (The Following is a Promoted Article) Health and safety has never been so pivotal to operational approach. In the construction industry today we are increasingly seeing businesses tailor their strategy to health and safety best practice. That’s because it not only ticks the boxes of legislation but facilitates the development of a working environment where staff want to be; where its expertise, as well as its wellbeing, is valued. Importantly, more and more companies in the industry are witnessing the commercial potential of these vital foundations. Horbury Joinery, which is part of the multi-disciplined national service provider Horbury Group, is one such example. Indeed, it has taken its reputation for the highest standards of craftsmanship and applied this to the safety and wellbeing of its staff. The Group has worked tirelessly to improve policies and procedures, analysing where incidents occurred, why they occurred and what could be changed to reduce the risk. Taking a holistic approach, the Group established Environ Safety Management Ltd, a dedicated company specialising in training and consultancy. This has brought huge benefits to the Group as a whole, with key members from each of the company’s divisions applying their knowledge in order to influence policy, find areas of improvement and promote best practice. This has helped, for example, to alleviate challenges deriving from having different trades on site at the same time. Policy dictates basic principles of health and safety but depending on the nature of the project, the lead trade will see a dedicated contracts manager, skilled in the relevant trade, write the method statement and risk assessment. This ensures they are fit for purpose. When divisions work collaboratively, contracts managers from each trade will come together to develop a method statement that encompasses the exacting standards demanded by the Group. The health and safety committee meets regularly to identify strengths as well as areas of weakness to inform policy and drive standards. For instance, through analysis of accident statistics within the joinery division, data showed that the majority of incidents involved the trapped or cut fingers of agency workers during their first thirty days of employment. Horbury Group aimed to reduce this risk at its source. It worked with its provider of agency labour to ensure the right sorts of people – with relevant experience or qualifications – were being put forward for work with Horbury. For any vulnerable people, the company would provide extended training and support. Within three months of this initiative going live, accident rates to fingers were reduced significantly. Contracts Director David Bastow, who also heads Horbury’s health and safety company Environ, says it’s the moral duty of a construction business to take care of its workforce. “We’ve turned health and safety from a blocker into an aid. What we’ve learned over the years is that health and safety is very behavioural and we’ve found that if you can instil high standards at the top level and filter it down to the sites, operatives understand that is the standard you must work towards. We call it Horbury Safe – and that not only meets legislation but goes above it, to develop levels of competency that ensures the working environment is as safe as possible. “Each quarter we look at accidents and near-misses and analyse them – are there any trends we can identify and target for improvement? Of course, it’s easy to target the RIDDOR’s because they are by definition far more significant but by analysing minor incidents we can make dramatic improvements to our overall health and safety procedure.” One of the changes the Group made was to only accept staff if their CSCS cards were gained for the trade in which they planned to work. “Some companies are happy for staff to have any CSCS card to get on site. We see that as wrong,” adds David. Horbury’s approach is complemented by an incentivised system. “Each site gets audited by our health and safety company. The site’s competency is scored and those points go on a leaderboard. Human nature means you don’t want to be at the bottom. That’s seen our teams really buy into the initiative; you can see them looking after each other and that’s very pleasing.” Another recent initiative has been the launch of the “Workforce Forum” which invites site-based operatives from each division to sit down with the directors to discuss day to day challenges. Honesty is encouraged and where Horbury can improve it will. Recently David was able to reveal at the company’s bi-annual seminar that accident severity rates were down to 0.06, well below the company’s target of 0.25. Accreditation to certified bodies such as CHAS identifies the competencies evidenced by the Group. David acknowledges that since the company embraced health and safety through its dedicated company, it has worked more closely with CHAS to enhance its policies. “Before we developed the health and safety committee I’ll admit we used to wait for the email reminder to say the CHAS audit is coming up. We’d quickly rally around to check if our policies were up to date. Now it’s an ongoing appraisal of our policies and procedures.” And the relationship between CHAS and the Group is now far more developed than simply passing the annual audit. “Organisations like CHAS are now more supportive and we can tap into that support and develop our policies further. Certain customers won’t let us tender unless we have a CHAS accreditation against us. But it’s not just about getting on tenders, it’s because we truly believe it benefits us as a business. Additionally, when we present to prospective clients and they ask about health and safety, which is always on the agenda, we can highlight our accreditations.” Looking ahead, the company is eager to make its initiative “Horbury Safe” a recognised symbol of excellence. “If you’ve worked with us as a client or you’ve worked with us as a subcontractor, you’ll know what health and safety means because of the value and

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