HSL: Anticipating and adapting to change in the world of work – HSL Buxton, 28 Sept 2016

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Anticipating and adapting to change in the world of work.

Please email your expression of interest


Are you keeping pace with change and tackling the problems of
tomorrow today? The new and emerging health and safety challenges
that come with social, economic and technological change

  • Workforce trends – an ageing population, changing work
    patterns, workforce diversity (from veterans to Generation Z)
  • Low carbon economy – are ‘green jobs’ safe jobs?
  • The energy challenge – increased demand, aging infrastructure,
    increases in distributed generation
  • Smart technologies – automation, robotics and artificial

Unlocking Innovation

Anticipating and tackling the potential impact of these changes
is not about discovering obscure and unlikely risks but rather
ensuring that workplace health and safety considerations do not act
as unnecessary barriers to future growth.

In this one day workshop we will introduce to you to the work of
the HSL Foresight Centre and show how companies can benefit from
anticipating and adapting to the changing world.  Delegates
will be introduced to a range of practical techniques to identify
future challenges and opportunities.

The workshop will cover

  • Megatrends – what are they, where do they come from, why do
    they matter and how do they impact on risks management?
  • How to identify relevant sub-trends and balance conflicting
    priorities using a simple prioritisation tool.
  • Explore the power of scenarios to understand the impact of
    possible futures on strategic plans.
  • Using ‘snap-shot workshops’ as a catalyst for colleagues and
    stakeholders to engage, join the dots and consider opportunities
    and threats in a strategic context.
  • Tools for making sense of anticipated future changes  and
    introduction to how HSE’s Foresight Team can provide help,
    tailored  for your organisation.


By the end of the session, you will have an awareness and
appreciation of the relevance and practicality of anticipating and
making sense of future changes and their potential impact on health
and safety.

Who should attend?

Directors, senior managers and leaders in health and safety


workshop will be run at the Health & Safety Laboratory in the
spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and
has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester
International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitpeakdistrict.com



For further information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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