Winchester City Council has awarded Osborne a five-year extension to its housing maintenance contract.
Osborne Property Services will continue to maintain approximately 5,000 homes in a contact worth £12m over the next five years.
As well as looking after a number of council buildings, Osborne will continue to carry out responsive repairs and prepare empty homes for new residents.
Councillor Caroline Horrill, the Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “The council has always viewed its contract with Osborne as a long-term partnership. Osborne continues to deliver excellent services to Winchester tenants, who have told us how much they value the work that Osborne does. Osborne also continues to be very active within the local community, working with the council by contributing to local resident newsletters and supporting good causes, such as the Trinity centre, Winnall Primary School and Winchester Young Carers.”

This article was published on 25 May 2016 (last updated on 25 May 2016).