Appearance of Knight at Gleeds party

It is not every day that a building and construction consultancy firm receives the honor of having a knight show up to celebrate with them the joys of life and company profits, but Gleeds were the lucky enterprise in question who were treated to the arrival of the hallowed Sir Steve Redgrave upon their illustrious premises. This knight in shining armor is no less than a beacon of British pride and proved himself worthy of a gold medal at the Olympic games time and time again (well, five in total). But he was able to get down from the Elysian clouds of his success by commuting all the way to Brasserie Blanc in the center of Bristol in order to celebrate a successful financial year with Gleeds. Indeed, he was also there to introduce the Chairperson of Gleeds’ services in the south-western regions of the company, a man named Chris Paxford who will be responsible for chairing the firm’s assets in Bristol, Gloucester as well as in the city of Cardiff in Wales.

All in all, the occasion was a very pleasant one for all (it seems) and Sir Steve Redgrave explained that he was delighted to attend the event and speak to members of Gleeds as well as representatives of other companies at the party occasion. Whatever the case it is evident that the new chairperson for the company Chris Paxford was honored and very chuffed to have shared the podium with an Olympic gold medalist who is also a knight, unlike David Beckham.

It is also very clear that the appointment of Paxford will signal the dawn of a new era of operations for Gleeds in the south-western regions of the country and it is greatly hoped that the company will be able to prosper and progress with the amount of operations that it will soon be conducting in that particular area of the United Kingdom.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025