Art Exhibition at Bernie’s Chocolate Bar

Bernie’s Chocolate Bar in Margate, Kent, will be showcasing a new and innovative collection of artworks at its base in Imperial House in order to wish itself a very happy and well deserved third birthday. Having been based in the Imperial House in the center of Margate since its very inception, Bernie’s Chocolate Bar is pleased to be located in what is one of a few of the most long standing flatiron structures that the world has ever seen. And yes, if you were thinking wait, isn’t that like the one in New York or am I going crazy, then yes you are right, there is and you are.

But the Imperial House in Kent is the perhaps more famous New York structure’s older cousin by about 20 years and has been the central and cultural hub for artists of all kinds in the Margate area. The Imperial House is to Margate what Montmartre is to Paris and it is clear that it is viewed with great admiration and loving by its hordes of arty fans and photographers. Having been in place since the 1880s, it has withstood the test of time to becoming a major attraction for people to Margate and Bernie’s Chocolate Bar is pleased to have settled in such a beautifully attractive as well as historic location to conduct its business.

Its owner Bernie Morgan is extremely proud to be organizing this wonderful artistic exposition that will certainly be the talk of the town and will demonstrate that Margate is a vibrant cultural hub that still attracts visitors and tourists from all over the world. And if you are feeling a bit peckish for a snack, then Bernie’s Chocolate Bar is the ultimate artistic exhibition for you, one so good that you can eat it. Ian Dickie who works at Margate Museum is similarly pleased that Imperial House is hosting the event.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025