CIOB and Stronger Together Join Forces to Battle Modern Slavery

A new toolkit has been compiled and set up by two leading organizations in order to address and amend the issue of modern slavery in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. The Chartered Institute of Building (also known as the CIOB) has worked incredibly hard over time with Stronger Together in order to bring businesses in the building and construction industry to the attention of figuring out new ways to solve this very real problem in the 21st Century.

With an approximate amount of 45 million people (and many more that have slipped under the radar of human rights organizations or are simply too well hidden by evil individuals in power) guessed to be currently subjected to modern slavery all over the globe, there is no doubt that companies and enterprises in the building and construction industry will want to read the report and find out the different things that they can do in order to tackle this problem that in a supposedly progressive liberal society is a shock to the system and an indication of our failure to tackle this barbaric issue. What this new kit will provide to building and construction firms that seek it out is UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights that has been approved by the United Nations themselves.

It is adamantly clear that the issues of human rights are very much alive today and it is the responsibility of businesses with a revenue of over £36 million to explain to the government what they are doing to address issues of human rights in the workplace, according to the 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act. The report itself was instigated based on the findings of an earlier report commissioned by CIOB known as “Building a fairer system.” This report found shocking amounts of evidence that showed the many aspects of modern slavery to which workers around the United Kingdom were being subjected.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025