The Future of the Building Industry Safe in Terms of Engineers

Affiliates and those interested in the building, design and construction industries will be pleased to know that tool manufacturing agency Dormer Pramet have recently signed an agreement with the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center (AMTC) to furnish them with tools, equipment and advice to their engineering students and apprentices. This is fantastic news for the AMTC, located in the city of Coventry.

Under the wing of the Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC), itself founded in 2011, the AMTC (set up for only just over a year now) has become a key and very popular location for various individuals from all over the country wishing to learn about the engineering and construction trade. Having come a long way since 2015, the AMTC specializes in a number of different engineering trades and it is clear that Dormer Pramet’s declaration of support for them is a welcome sign that they will be able to progress into the future by ensuring that the future generations of engineers in this country are educated with the right set of tools and enthusiasm by a specialist in the trade. Not only will the faculty benefit from a fresh and reliable supply of tools and materials, but Dormer Pramet’s commitment to them will mean that talks, seminars and networking events will be able to be organized in order to increase enthusiasm levels from students, interns, apprentices and staff members alike in what the engineering trade has to offer to its members.

An experienced and well established initiative, Dormer Pramet supply tools and technical help to more than 30 different offices around the world involved in over 100 different markets all around the world. It is hugely hoped that their commitment will ensure the survival of the industry at a time when all too legitimate concerns with the skills base in this country are at their very highest at this time.

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025