The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) today announced the creation of a new bursary scheme supporting students of architecture looking to embark on an RIBA-validated Part 2 course within the UK. The newly created RIBA Part 2 Bursaries scheme will be the most generous award made to students in financial need.
In 2015, up to five bursaries of £6,000 will be available to support five Part-2 students for the academic years 2015/16 and 2016/17. Successful students will receive £1,000 a term throughout their Part 2 course (for up to a maximum of six terms).
These bursaries build on the portfolio of postgraduate funding already available, namely the RIBA Wren Insurance Association Scholarships and the RIBA AHR Stephen Williams Scholarship.
RIBA President Stephen Hodder said:
“We are delighted to add these bursaries to the RIBA’s portfolio of funding schemes, and I would strongly urge any student considering undertaking a Part 2 course in 2015 and facing financial hardship to apply. Alongside the RIBA Student Hardship Funds, these grants will help to support our future generation of architects.”
Chair of the RIBA Education Trust Funds Committee, Andy Beard said:
“The RIBA Education Trust Funds committee are keen to address the dropout rate from Part 1 to Part 2 by assisting potential students whose circumstances make it difficult for them to afford a Part 2 course. We believe that consequently this bursary scheme will go some way to promoting greater diversity within the profession. Research has shown that £1,000 a term can make a real difference to the lives of some students.”
For more information and details of how to apply, please visit
The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 15 December 2014.
Notes to editors
- For further press information contact Howard Crosskey in the RIBA Press Office: 020 7307 3761
- For more information and details of how to apply, please visit
- For queries on how to apply, contact Hayley Russell 020 7307 3678
- The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members – follow us on Twitter for regular RIBA updates
Posted on Wednesday 1st October 2014