Staff Rewarded at Novus Property Solutions

In an age where employee satisfaction rates are not exactly the most encouraging figures on display at the moment, it is good to see that Novus Property Solutions at least are able to recognize the ongoing hard work of their staff and are committed to seeing that they get their due rewards for the hard work that they commit to doing in order to ensure the pride and ongoing prosperity of Novus. In an event that celebrates the achievements of the various departments of the company, these awards have been taking place for the past three years and the staff turnout of more than 175 was very impressive and made for an unforgettable evening at the St George’s Park located in the area of Staffordshire.

After a sterling speech from Fran Miller of Team Sky, the awards ceremony was kicked off in style with teams and individuals voting for the people that they felt had really stood out during the year. The awards themselves are a good way of seeing how old and new members to the company are recognized for their services and ongoing contributions to the advancement of Novus Property Solutions, with members ranging from Desmond Blackburn (who has been there for 40 years at the company as an interior decorator) to James Riley (who was awarded the Apprentice of the Year prize for his good all-round work at Novus).

A whole range of other awards were handed out to various clients and associates , whilst there was even more recognition for the York office base of the company, which was the first department of the company to be coveted with the Safety Excellence prize category which had previously not been something that Novus felt merited the attention of being awarded. It is clear now however that having implemented this new category, Novus are determined to encourage their departments around the company to commit themselves more readily to implementing health and safety measures in the workplace.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025