Contracts Awarded For the New Healthcare Construction Framework

Contracts have been awarded for the new healthcare construction framework. The successful parties who have been awarded for these contracts have been named. It is thought that the Framework Manager for the project will be Prime, who already specialises in healthcare and managed the procurement process of the project. Prime announced that Interserve, Kier, VINCI Construction UK, Willmott Dixon and Speller Metcalfe will be working on The Private Investment Construction Framework.

The Investment Framework that has been announced will be supported by Yeovil District Hospital Foundation Trust will create privately-funded projects on behalf of the NHS and other private healthcare operators. These projects that form a part of the framework will be divided in to two different Lots. Lot One will be working on delivering projects that have a value that is in excess of £10 million, and will work to offer national coverage with projects for this lot spread out over England and Wales. Lot two of the Framework will aim to establish a number of different projects that have a value lower than the first lot and will be mainly focused in the South and Central areas of the country.

The contractors that have been named to work on the project that work nationwide: Kier, Vinci Construction UK and Wilmott Dixon, will be working on the projects from bot of the Framework lots. Speller Metcalfe on the other hand, will focus their attentions ion to the projects that will be taking place in Lot 2 and will work on the project by delivering more access to other contractors that have experience working in the healthcare sector.

The Private Investment Construction Framework is expected to last for four years. It is thought that this Framework will allow for a range of new build and refurbishment works to take place in a range of different healthcare areas like acute, primary care, community care and the elderly care sectors. As stated previously the work in these areas will be across both NHS and private Healthcare facilities.

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025