Develop Training Has Released a Number of 8-Second Lesson Videos

Develop Training has released a number of 8-Second Lesson videos. One of the top providers of training for health & safety, compliance and technical training has revealed their new series, that covers topics in less than 10 seconds.

Studies have found that Generation Z has an attention span of around 8 seconds due to the easy access to instant media. Generation Z is thought to be any person born between 1996 and 2010. This generation have grown up in world where the internet has always existed, and access to information has become increasingly more instant. It is thought that Generation Z will form 20% of the UK’s workforce by 2020.  Therefore, in order tailor their training to this generation, and improve the training experience in relation to learner requirements. the specialist training company have created a series of eight second lesson videos. These clips are meant to be short, snappy and fun while depicting an array of real world scenarios that Develop Training Ltd, offers training on. Each of the videos try to put across an important message.

Although the supposed Generation Z attention span seems surprisingly short, it was explained by saying that there is only a short period of time in between each e-mail, text, or tweet. All these different communications and act as a distraction from the original task. Another way of interpretation the shorter attention span of this generation is that they are well equipped at taking in information form a number of different sources. The use of the 8-second videos means that the ability to absorb information from a number of different areas is used while also not distracting them from the original task. DTL found that a great deal of information can be given out in such a short space of time that covers important and relevant topics. These lesson videos are also the perfect size for sharing on social media.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025