Transport Scotland is blaming the weather after delays in the construction Queensferry Crossing emerged.

Above: Live webcam footage shows the work still to be done
On 21st March 2016, Transport Scotland said that the new Forth bridge was on schedule to open by the end of the year but 11 weeks later it appears to have accepted that the project is in fact running months behind schedule.
The Scotsman newspaper reports that it will not be finished until well into 2017.
It quotes a staff source saying: “Everyone agrees there is no chance of it finishing by the end of the year. It could be months late – maybe even the middle of next year.”
Transport Scotland did not dispute the delays but said that the construction team was trying hard to meet the timetable. A spokesman said: “Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors is making every effort to open the bridge as soon as possible, despite the challenge that the weather presents.”
The Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors (FCBC) consortium comprises Hochtief, Dragados, American Bridge and Morrison Construction. It has a £790m contruction contract.

Further Images
This article was published on 6 Jun 2016 (last updated on 6 Jun 2016).