What does an accident cost your business?

The HSE calculates the cost of an accident causing an employee to be off work for seven days to be £28,500.

If you find that you are chasing the same health and safety failures month after month, why not change your approach.

Our Aspiration Zero – Achieving Culture Change workshops are designed to help you work towards eliminating accidents from your operations. We know what a tough ask this is but is a goal we all aspire to achieve, helping to ensure that everyone that comes to work gets home safely.

In addition to the cost benefits this Behavioural Based Safety Programme is geared towards providing the tools needed to change attitudes, actions and ultimately the culture within your organisation.

Make Aspiration Zero a reality by achieving effective culture change throughout your organization whilst reducing costs.

So how does it work?

Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) creates a safety partnership between management and employees or contractors, continually focus on people’s actions and the actions of others promoting good safety behaviour. A BBS/culture change programme focuses on what people do, analyses why they do it, and then applies a research-supported intervention strategy to improve behaviours and practices.

At its very core, BBS is about applying solutions to real world problems, the purpose of which is to challenge the behaviours of all staff and consequently reduce the likelihood of any safety related incidents or accidents occurring. Collaborating with your existing health and safety team and your existing systems, THSP’s Behavioural Based Safety Programme will bring measurable improvements and ensure engagement whilst reducing costs.

A catalyst for cultural change for several organisations from the construction, civil engineering, facilities, highways and rail sectors.  As a result of BBS a number of clients have seen their reportable accidents reduce and minor accidents drop by 50% in the same time period.  Close calls and near misses have increased dramatically, which shows buy-in to the programme.  Also, since its inception there has been on average a 150% rise in the number of safety incidents reported within the business, a rise which has contributed to the growing recognition of ownership of the programme.

The programme has been merited with a number of awards including Safety Innovation Awards, the Rail Business Awards and was Highly Commended at the annual IOSH awards, and most notably to THSP’s Behavioural safety expert Steve Wiskin for his development, management and facilitation of the programme winning Safety Person of the year.

In addition to our bespoke BBS programmes we have now launched a full range of workshops for individuals or groups, these include:

  • 1 day Safety Leadership (senior management) – £295 +VAT per person
  • 3 day Key Influencers (staff who significantly lead and influence others) – £795 + VAT per person
  • 4 day Key Influencers (staff who significantly lead and influence others) – £950 + VAT per person

Start working towards Aspiration Zero by attending one of our Behavioural Based Safety workshops.  See how many RIDDOR accidents it reduces, how quickly you recoup the cost and most importantly how it will keep your business safe.

To find out more about Aspiration Zero and the impact this can make to your organisation call Steve on 03456 122144 or see thsp.co.uk.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025