Government Approval Has Been Secured For the New Trailblazer Apprenticeship

Government approval has been secured for the new Trailblazer Apprenticeship. The approval has been given for the apprenticeship standards for arboriculture, forestry, horticulture and landscaping. A number of different employers have been involved in making sure that the initiative gains the correct approvals and have been congratulated on the success of the project so far.

Businesses from across this sector have been working to develop a new collection of apprenticeships that would be able to meet the needs of the arboriculture, forestry, horticulture and landscape sectors going forward.

The project first started in 2015 and involved more than 40 employers, 8 industry bodies and 18 other training and assessment organisations. This group have managed to successfully work together in order to develop and improve the apprenticeship standards in this sector. The different companies and organisations carried out the work under Richard Trippett, from Bartlett Tree Experts and Geraint Richards of the Duchy of Cornwall as well as Ground Control’s Neil Huck.

As well as the developments that have been made to the standards of apprenticeships in the Arborist, Forest Operative Horticulture and landscape areas there has been a new standard created. This new standard sees the creation of a Horticulture and Landscape Supervisor which has been approved and will be a part of the Trailblazer groups assessment plans and specifications laid out while training.

Trailblazer Apprenticeships have been supported by the businesses involved in the project from the start, It is hiped that the apprenticeships will lead to more young people getting involved in this sector and training in order to gain approved qualifications and a career path in the landscaping and horticulture industry.

Now that the apprenticeships have been developed, the Trailblazer Project are looking forward, an intend to work more with employers and trainers in order to make sure that the apprenticeship positions are filled and the training is carried out successfully in the future.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025