Hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) – Buxton, 12-13 April 2016

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HSL is to run a 2 day course on Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).

12-13 April 2016

Faculty of Occupational Medicine

the hand and wrist of a skeleton


Research commissioned by HSE suggests over 1 million people
continue to be exposed to high levels of vibration in the
workplace. The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations came into
force in the UK in 2005. HSE’s Guidance on the Regulations requires
all occupational health professionals to undergo training in the
recognition and management of workers with hand-arm vibration
syndrome. The syllabus for the training and the quality of training
is overseen by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

The HAVS assessment unit opened in Sheffield in 1998 before
moving to Buxton and has performed assessments on over 9000
workers. Two day training courses have been running at Buxton for
11 years and demand for them is now so great that there are four
courses per year. So as to provide more individual teaching and
small group sizes for the parallel sessions delegate numbers are
limited to 26 per course. One day refresher courses are also
available for accredited specialists in occupational medicine or
for those who have been on a two day course.

Scientists at HSL have conducted several HSE-funded research
projects into HAVS as well as studies on disability caused by
hand-transmitted vibration. In 2004, HSL published a
systematic review and guidance on the use of objective testing for
HAVS which was commissioned by the Faculty of Occupational
Medicine. Recent research includes the relationship between
clinical and standardised tests and the use of magnetic resonance
angiography in vascular HAVS.

This comprehensive and highly rated course is designed for
occupational health nurses, occupational physicians, GPs with an
interest in occupational health and hand surgeons. It will set out
the key areas of HAVS assessment and provide guidance on how to
examine and manage cases of HAVS. Time has been set aside for
question and answer sessions.

Please note when booking this course you will be
required to quote your NMCor GMC number.

At the end of the course there will be an assessment and those
who are successful will receive a certificate from the Faculty of
Occupational Medicine

The course will cover:

  • Legal requirements;

  • Calculation of cumulative vibration exposure

  • Risk assessment;

  • Pathophysiology;

  • Control of vibration exposure;

  • Clinical examination;

  • Standardised clinical and laboratory tests;

  • Tier 1 to 5 health surveillance;

  • Diagnosis;

  • Case management.

  • Health record and medical report writing

Presenters include:

• Mr Paul Pitts is HSL’s noise & vibration technical

• Ms Sue Hewitt is a senior scientist in the Noise & Vibration
Unit at HSL.

• Dr Howard Mason, Principal Scientist at HSL and co-author of the
FOM HAVS review

• Dr Jon Poole MD FRCP FFOM is an accredited consultant
occupational physician with a joint appointment at HSL and the
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of
Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good
links to mainline train stations and Manchester International

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of this two-day course is £735 per person (to include
course notes, lunches and dinner at a restaurant in Buxton on the
first night ). Please note that this fee now includes
the FOM certificate.

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Please note the invoice option is not available within 4
weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit

at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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