HSL: Managing Health Risks in Construction Seminar – HSL Buxton, 5 Oct 2016

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Construction – Managing Health Risks in Construction Seminar.

5 October 2016

As a construction worker you are 100 times more likely to die
from ill health caused by your work than through an accident.
However, there is a tendency to focus on immediate likelihood of
harm rather than the things that kill workers slowly. Deaths in
construction workers caused by a cumulative exposure to health
risks over many years are completely preventable, yet do we do
enough to recognise and act upon the known risk factors?

This seminar will provide a unique opportunity to influence
the type of support required by the industry to effect a change on
health risk management.

  • Common health risks in the construction sector, their
    prevention and early identification (respiratory, skin, HAVs,

  • Practical Occupational Hygiene updates and a ‘Hands On’

  • Approaches to identifying and dealing with stress and mental
    health issues in the construction sector

  • The new Health Risk Management Maturity Engagement Toolkit and
    how this can help your business

  • You will also have access to the broad range of HSL experts
    including medical and health expertise, hygienists, behavioural
    scientists and psychologists

Who Should Attend

This seminar will be of interest to employers and contractors of
construction workers, health and safety managers and others with
responsibilities for health under Construction Design and
Management Regulations.

Book to attend this seminar if you want to take control of
health risks to your workers and be involved in setting direction
for industry support in this area.



The seminar will be held at the Health & Safety Laboratory in
the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District
and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester
International Airport.


The cost of this seminar is £450 per
person (includes notes, lunch and refreshments).

Take a look at this VIDEO HERE by the Health in Construction
Leadership Group – it reinforces the key message of treating health
with the same importance as safety: in an industry that, to date,
has tended to ‘shout about safety but whisper about

Book Course

For further information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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