Wates Living Space Homes is set to start building work next month on new bungalows to replace 1930s almshouse accommodation in Newcastle.
The St. Mary Magdalene & Holy Jesus Trust has been given planning permission for the £5.2m scheme, which will see the creation of 49 bungalows designed to provide sheltered housing for elderly residents.
Work will include the phased demolition of 40 existing bungalows and construction of one- and two- bedroom homes including some designed for wheelchair users.
Wates Living Space Homes has made a pledge to use its delivery of the project to bring benefit to the community and economy. This commitment will include the appointment of a local supply chain and the creation of training opportunities for local people.
St Mary Magdalene & Holy Jesus Trust chairman Sir Leonard Fenwick said: “As a highly successful and progressive Almshouse Charity, the opportunity to completely replace the Holy Jesus estate with bungalows that enable independent living and in such a convenient setting near to the heart of the city, is a truly positive contribution that serves to build upon our longstanding commitments.”

This article was published on 19 Aug 2016 (last updated on 19 Aug 2016).