J Tomlinson Has Released News That They Will be Investing in Their Health and Safety

J Tomlinson, the Nottingham based company has released the news that they will be investing in their health and safety through the purchase of new defibrillators. The company has purchased 22 of the new defibrillators which will be located at the company’s permanent offices which are in the East Midlands, West Midlands, and Yorkshire. The equipment will also be present on all of the company’s major projects sites while work is still being carried out there.

The equipment has been designed to be transportable and can give a high energy electric shock to the chest. This piece of health and safety equipment is meant to be used in a situation when a person is in cardiac arrest. These new defibrillators could save lives of those on a J Tomlinson site.

This investment has been made as a commitment by the company to constantly seek to improve their health and safety policies. By doing this the company are aiming to create a safer working environment and protect those who are working on site, visiting the site and the local community.

There is no formal training required to use the defibrillators, however, J Tomlinson has also invested into creating AED, or automated external defibrillator, training for those who will be primary users. This training will also be accompanied by Tool Box Talk training for all of the associated first aiders in order to get as many necessary people as possible familiarised with the equipment in case it is required on site.

J Tomlinson works to offer its clients a range of integrated building solutions. These solutions are offered by the company for a range of different sectors including construction, refurbishment, repairs and maintenance, mechanical and electrical services and facilities management. The company has selected the Lifepak CR2 defibrillators to invest in for their company as they are fully automated.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025