Discover the Ceramic Safety Knives That will Make Your Company Save a Lot of Money

There are some ceramic safety knives that you probably did not know until now and that will make your company become a safer place. And why not, your home too.

You will surely think this is absurd, as if a simple box cutter could make a big difference, but it surely can. Using these safe knives developed by Slice, the chances that your employees having accidents by cutting themselves will be reduced. We will demonstrate you how this is possible.

Using these ceramic safety knives and other appliances that Slice offers, you won’t have to worry about accidents anymore. You will even save money on the expenses or compensations of health care coverages. Therefore, you will make your company save a lot of money!

Get Yourself Convinced

If you do not believe us, just take a look at the descriptions on the videos available on the official website of the company. You will be able to find all the properties that safety box cutters have. Every detail has been perfectly thought out. From the shape of the knife -ideal for keeping the hand of the user always protected- up to the material and design of the blade, which is much more sharp, durable and resistant.

The pottery gives you many more benefits than you think. In addition, as it is a very strong material, it can last longer than conventional blades. Its chemical nature makes it a bad conductor of electricity and they cannot produce any spark, as it happens with metals. Consequently, these ceramic safety knives, will help you create a more secure place to work from any point of view.

Slice produces the best box cutters, made with ceramics and the best of technologies, focused always on safety. In addition, they are focused on much more efficient blades to cut cardboard without worrying because the edge doesn’t wear down as fast as with steel cutters, among other benefits.

A very useful tool

Safe ceramic knives are a practical and very useful tools that are often used in many companies, where they are constantly receiving and sending packages. These packages come regularly well packaged. The shape and size of Slice box cutters have the exact size to penetrate cardboard is used in this type of boxes.

Work safety with the best equipment

You surely wonder how these safe ceramic knives can guarantee a greater job security, and the answer is very simple. Just look at the design of the handle and the ceramic leaf to understand that this company has taken his work very seriously. And  above all, the have invested in a great way in technology and innovation to bring you a truly useful tool. Do not miss out on trying some of the options the offer.

To know more about these wonderful and innovative products, you can access their official website where you will find the description of all their products in detail.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025