RIBA President Jane Duncan said:
“The Chancellor’s focus on house building is welcome. But urgent action is needed to ensure all homes are well-designed, sustainable places people want to live, making ‘rabbit hutch’ houses a thing of the past. The announcements on new infrastructure and devolution must put quality design at their heart if we are to truly build a better Britain.”
On Housing:
“We need well designed homes in the right location, of the right quality and at prices people can afford to buy or rent. While we are pleased that the Government has made more money available to help increase the number of ‘affordable’ homes for first time buyers, older people and those with disabilities, the quality of new homes cannot be allowed to slip off the agenda. The Housing and Planning Bill offers the perfect opportunity to ensure new houses are of excellent quality and will make homes for people now and long into the future.”
On Planning:
“Local Authority budgets have been slashed to unsustainable levels and we are concerned about the impacts this will have on local communities. Budget cuts have already undermined the ability of Planning Departments’ to make strategic long term judgements about the needs of the communities they serve. This latest round of cuts will make it increasing hard to adequately appraise the quality and impact of proposed development and enable public participation in the design process.”
On the need for Energy efficiency:
“Urgent action is needed to resolve the current policy impasse on the future of energy efficiency in the UK. Without more money it is unclear how the government plan to meet their ambition to upgrade all low-income households by 2030. Ahead of the Paris talks, we need to see more leadership on climate issues from the government.”
On School Buildings:
“The protection of the schools capital budget is welcome but there is still an enormous challenge that needs to be met. With much of the school stock beyond its shelf life and a need to provide additional places to accommodate two imminent population peaks it is vital that the Government works with the designers and builders of new schools to ensure that high quality and value for money are consistently delivered.”
- For further press information contact Howard Crosskey howard.crosskey@riba.org 020 7580 5533
- The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members www.architecture.com. Follow us on Twitter for regular RIBA updates www.twitter.com/RIBA
Posted on Wednesday 25th November 2015