BBOHS announces prestigious speaker programme to launch its new Faculty for Asbestos Assessment and Management

The British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) is delighted to announce a programme of prestigious speakers for the official launch of its new Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management (FAAM).   The new Faculty will herald a fresh phase of focusing on raising standards  and competency in the asbestos industry,  and the launch will  take place at an evening reception at the Conrad Hotel in Westminster on  11 October 2017.  Speakers will include:

  • Craig Barker: Asbestos Manager for Marks & Spencer Property
  • David Fishwick: Consultant NHS Respiratory Physician, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals; Chief Medical Advisor, HSE
  • Mavis Nye: President of the Mavis Nye Foundation (and sufferer of Mesothelioma)
  • Martin Stear: Chartered Occupational Hygienist, and Registrar of FAAM

The key themes and expert speakers will focus on: the problems and consequences of asbestos; how to identify the needs of specific situations; and what solutions are appropriate/available.  Another key message for the event is “raising standards and reducing risks”.

What is FAAM?

 FAAM is BOHS’ new Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management, and its overarching aim is to provide a community for professionals in the asbestos industry.  FAAM’S vision is to:

  • Pursue excellence for all those who practise in the asbestos assessment and management profession
  • Establish, develop and maintain standards of competence in asbestos assessment and management practice for those who are members of FAAM
  • Act as the guardian of professional standards and ethics in the profession of asbestos assessment and management

Why is FAAM needed?

 Asbestos still kills around 5000 workers each year, with around twenty tradesmen dying each week as a result of past exposure. Details of prosecutions for unsafe asbestos practices continue to be reported in the media with concerning regularity. Tackling issues related to asbestos continues to be a challenge, with the UK still possessing one of the highest rates of mesothelioma (a type of cancer linked to asbestos exposure) in the world. Cancer Research UK outlined that there were over 2,500 deaths from the disease in 2014, with 94% of cases being deemed as preventable.

Karen Bufton, President of BOHS commented:  “This is an exciting and pivotal time in BOHS’ history.  In 2017 we have achieved significant progress by delivering a wide variety of new initiatives, including developing and launching a unique new course for the construction industry, and launching the ‘Breathe Freely in Manufacturing’ campaign. Moreover, we’re now introducing a major new faculty – FAAM.”

Karen continued: “I’m delighted that BOHS is launching this important new faculty.  BOHS has been providing international leadership on protection against asbestos since the 1960s, and continues to pioneer excellence in standards’ setting in the field of asbestos.  There is wide acceptance that there remains a compelling need to improve standards of professional competence in many areas of the asbestos industry, which is why FAAM‘s vision is so critical.”

Karen concluded: “FAAM’s vision is to establish, develop and maintain standards of competence in asbestos assessment and management practice for its members, and act as the guardian of professional standards and ethics in the profession of asbestos assessment and management. BOHS is excited about the forthcoming launch event in London, which will mark the official opening  for membership, and celebrate the work achieved so far in bringing industry experts together to form FAAM.”

If you would like to find out further information about FAAM, please click here, or contact BOHS at the following link


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Issue 326 : Mar 2025