November 16, 2017

Millboard® premium wood-free outdoor flooring now on RIBA Product Selector, NBS Plus and NBS BIM library

Millboard®, the leading manufacturer of premium wood-free outdoor flooring now features on RIBA Product Selector Millboard®, the leading manufacturer of premium wood-free outdoor flooring now features on RIBA Product Selector a building products library used daily by thousands of architects and other construction industry professionals.  Information about their premium decking

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£100k windfall for Scottish downsizers

According to the latest research from Bank of Scotland, detached home owners in Scotland looking to downsize could be in line for a potential windfall of over £100,000 if they trade down to a semi-detached property. Those planning to move from a detached properly to a bungalow could raise an

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Sika’s fast-set screed

Materials firm Sika has a new screed system that it says makes it easier and quicker to finish floors. Above: Fast setting screed SikaScreed P-24 is the latest addition to the extensive Sika cementitious range. It sets rapidly enough to walk on in three hours and overcoat in 24 hours.

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A slice of the pie

20 August 2016 – by Savannah de Savary The summer has been busy for IndustryHub. Despite the potent mix of Brexit and the traditional lull of the British summer, for the past seven weeks we have been in fundraising mode. A big challenge has been deciphering the right path, with

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VPS Launch JCB Alert Tower

The award-winning security company, VPS has announced their latest innovation, the JCB Alert Tower. The company, one of Europe’s leading security companies working to protect people, property and assets on a temporary or emergency basis has launched this new product, thought to be the most flexible and easily deployable alarm

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HVAC and Changes to Energy Efficiency

From April 2018, there will be changes made to the energy efficiency regulations which will mean that every property that is non-domestic and privately rented must have an energy performance certificate, or EPC. It has been said that, as part of the changes, the property must have a rating of

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Scotframe Timber Engineering Acquired by Saint-Gobain

The established Scottish offsite manufacturing specialists, as well as full timber frame housing kit manufacturers, Scotframe Timber Engineering has announced that they have been acquired by a multinational construction group. The offsite manufacturer of timber frame housing solutions has been acquired by Saint-Gobain. Scotframe has their headquarters in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire

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Moy Materials Take Home Trainer of the Year at LWRA Awards

The leading supplier of high performance innovative waterproofing and insulation systems for UK and Ireland, Moy Materials won Trainer of the Year at the 2017 Liquid Roof Waterproofing Association Awards, or LRWA. As one of the UK and Ireland’s leading suppliers of flat waterproofing systems for the roofing industry, Moy

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Lighting Controls Ltd. chosen for Rotherwick House

Lighting Controls Ltd. is pleased to announce that it is the designer, supplier and commissioning contractor for the lighting and ancillary control systems fit-out for Rotherwick House. This Grade II Listed office building will be the head office of property management company, Esca Estates. Situated on the corner of Thomas

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

November 16, 2017

Millboard® premium wood-free outdoor flooring now on RIBA Product Selector, NBS Plus and NBS BIM library

Millboard®, the leading manufacturer of premium wood-free outdoor flooring now features on RIBA Product Selector Millboard®, the leading manufacturer of premium wood-free outdoor flooring now features on RIBA Product Selector a building products library used daily by thousands of architects and other construction industry professionals.  Information about their premium decking alternatives is also available to architects and specifiers using the NBS (National Building Specification) system. Millboard® has partnered with NBS Plus and the NBS National BIM Library, the only BIM object library which directly links to the market leading NBS specification software to find BIM objects. Millboard combines the natural beauty of real timber with the high performance of a unique wood-free material, it is durable and non-porous, which means high resistance to algae growth and excellent slip-resistance properties. The unique Lastane® layer on all Millboard products resists scratches and stains and is designed to withstand demanding outdoor environments. View their profile on Thousands of architects, architectural designers, landscape architects, engineers and specifiers use the RIBA NBS system when preparing specifications for all types of construction projects. These users can now access information about the following products from Millboard:Carbonised DeckingDecking and Plastic Sub FrameEdgingEnhanced Grain DeckingFascia BoardsJoist ShoesLasta Grip DeckingRoof and Terrace PedestalsTactile DeckingWeathered Decking Several downloads are available via the RIBA Product Selector website for users requiring more detailed product information from Millboard, including case studies and high quality product images. Paul Boylin, Millboard Marketing Manager said: “We are aiming to make it as easy as possible to aid the selection process when specifying premium wood-free outdoor flooring alternatives. Our Millboard products are already well known and loved by some of the leading designers and specifiers, partnering with RIBA and NBS will only enhance their position.” Millboard, has recently released volume two of their architectural guide. As well as providing in-depth detail on the entire Millboard Collection and material safety datasheets, it features key technical data and the resin mineral board profile of the Millboard substrate. The guide explains the Pendulum Test Values (PTV), Slip Resistance Values (SRV) and boasts working specifications and applications for residential, commercial and public space projects. Architects can request the hard copy guide here or request an e-version here. ENDS. About Millboard The Millboard Company Ltd is the leading manufacturer of premium wood-free outdoor flooring. The company employs over 100 people based in Warwickshire and proudly designs and manufactures in Great Britain. Recognised as the leading brand for wood-free alternatives in the UK, Millboard is a unique, wood-free alternative to composite and timber decking manufactured from a unique polyurethane resin blend.  The product range consists of handcrafted Enhanced Grain collection moulded from smooth timber for a textured appearance and a Weathered Oak collection moulded from 100 year-old reclaimed timber. Anti slip, maintenance free and UV stable, moulded from carefully selected timbers and hand-coloured, Millboard is as beautiful as hardwood yet designed to outsmart it. Therefore Millboard is able to recreate a product that combines the beauty of real timber with the high performance of a unique wood-free material.11In 2015 The Millboard Company Ltd was awarded the accolade of one of the best 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain by the London Stock Exchange.   Press enquiries to:SMPR – The Wolston Priory, Priory Road, Wolston (nr. Rugby), Warwickshire, CV8 3FXTel: 02476 546150Mob: 07715 174 911Email: imagery is available on request. Interviews can be arranged by prior appointment.  Source link

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£100k windfall for Scottish downsizers

According to the latest research from Bank of Scotland, detached home owners in Scotland looking to downsize could be in line for a potential windfall of over £100,000 if they trade down to a semi-detached property. Those planning to move from a detached properly to a bungalow could raise an average of £66,000. Scots more likely to benefit from downsizing than those around the UK For those trading down, the potential amount that can be raised by downsizing from a detached property to a bungalow has risen by 14% (or £8,365) over the past decade; a downsizer today would receive an average of £66,190; compared with £57,825 in 2005. The UK average growth is 2% (or £1,616), allowing Scots to realise a greater benefit from the move. The potential amount of cash Scottish homeowners could raise by downsizing their property from a detached home to a semi-detached stood at an average of £100,778 in 2015; an increase of 12% (£10,469) since 2005. (See table 2) While Scots will be pleased to see a double digit percentage increase in windfall over 10 years, home owners in the South West of England and East Anglia have seen even high percentage increases over the decade. Three Quarters Expect to Benefit Financially from Downsizing Across the UK, downsizing is the most popular reason for people looking to move to a new home in the next three years, with 46% of those surveyed citing that as a reason. The main reason people cited for downsizing was to move somewhere which better served their circumstances (53%). Other reasons given were to reduce bills or free up equity (both 39%), or to provide extra cash for retirement (31%). The average age for a downsizer was 53 and the largest proportion (37%) had lived in their current property between 11 and 20 years and had moved into that property at the age of 39. A fifth said that they were downsizing earlier than they had anticipated, citing reasons such as health, changes in relationship status and need to be closer to better local amenities. A third also said that they were planning to move to a more affordable area. Three quarters of those downsizing said they expected to profit from their move, with 35% saying that they planned to reinvest their additional capital in a new property. 29% said that they would invest in other financial products, whilst only one in five (21%) planned to invest in their pension or pass the earnings on to their family. Nicola Noble, Bank of Scotland’s Mortgage Director, said: “Double digit percentage growth in windfall over a decade is great news for Scots considering downsizing. It’s interesting to see that a large proportion of downsizers are planning to reinvest the profits from trading down into a new property, rather than pensions or other financial products.” Downsizing is also healthy for the market, as it helps keep it moving and frees up larger properties for younger families who may be about to take their next step up the ladder.” 10 Year % Change in Downsizing Windfall: Detached to a Semi   Downsizing windfall, 2005 (£) Trading down windfall, 2015 (£) 10 year % change 10 year £ change Scotland 90,308 100,778 12% 10,469 South West 109,687 130,654 19% 20,967 East Anglia 88,177 101,878 16% 13,702 East Midlands 92,097 103,416 12% 11,319 West Midlands 115,726 123,624 7% 7,898 Yorkshire and Humberside 108,594 115,792 7% 7,198 Northern Ireland 61,073 68,005 11% 6,931 Wales 89,784 95,178 6% 5,394 North 90,957 92,651 2% 1,694 South East 178,668 178,904 0% 236 North West 115,499 105,695 -8% -9,804 Greater London 272,721 201,052 -26% -71,669 UK 115,970 117,230 1% 1,260 Source link

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Sika’s fast-set screed

Materials firm Sika has a new screed system that it says makes it easier and quicker to finish floors. Above: Fast setting screed SikaScreed P-24 is the latest addition to the extensive Sika cementitious range. It sets rapidly enough to walk on in three hours and overcoat in 24 hours. Compressive strength is 30N/mm2 and flexural strength is 5N/mm2. It can be installed in a range of thickness from 25mm to 90mm, says Sika.     Further Images This article was published on 9 Feb 2016 (last updated on 9 Feb 2016). Source link

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A slice of the pie

20 August 2016 – by Savannah de Savary The summer has been busy for IndustryHub. Despite the potent mix of Brexit and the traditional lull of the British summer, for the past seven weeks we have been in fundraising mode. A big challenge has been deciphering the right path, with so many conflicting opinions regarding how much capital you should raise. Some advisers suggested funding was drying up for tech start-ups and we should raise as much as we could to tide us over, rather than enough for the typical runway of 12 to 18 months. Other start-up veterans were adamant that you should initially set out to raise less than you ideally need, as you don’t want to fall short of your target. Such an outcome could prove detrimental to investor confidence and thus to closing your round. Another strategy was put forward by a well-regarded early-stage venture capital firm. It proposed that we raise a much smaller round, which would provide just six to eight months’ runway. At this point, we could then raise a follow-on round at a significantly higher valuation, leaving our founding team’s equity far less diluted. There is no denying that this strategy held appeal. When you have dedicated yourself entirely to a venture, you want to hang on to as much of the eventual upside that may materialise as you can. The logic behind this is not just greed (although I would be fibbing if I said this didn’t add to the appeal). A start-up will likely go through multiple funding rounds, and we have learnt that many savvy later-stage investors will be put off if the founders are not still financially incentivised to lead the company. All the content from this weekís magazine, including this article, is available in the new app. However, I realised that retaining “enough” equity is very different from “as much equity as possible” and, in our case, following this strategy would be motivated by a desire for the latter. No doubt it is important to keep a founder financially incentivised. However, few entrepreneurs get out of bed in the morning (so few hours after they have collapsed into it) just for the money. We do it because we are lucky enough to be intimately involved in creating something that we think can make an impact and change the status quo. I know start-up founders who decided to go down the path of raising enough capital for just a short period of time, became oversubscribed and made the decision not to raise more. Their companies did not need it at that stage, as milestones that would enable them to raise at a higher valuation were close on the horizon. Having seen their subsequent success, there is no doubt it was the smart decision. Savannah de Savary is founder of IndustryHub, one of the latest Pi Labs cohorts. Click here to read more of her article. Source link

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VPS Launch JCB Alert Tower

The award-winning security company, VPS has announced their latest innovation, the JCB Alert Tower. The company, one of Europe’s leading security companies working to protect people, property and assets on a temporary or emergency basis has launched this new product, thought to be the most flexible and easily deployable alarm tower in its range. The product is simple to transport and can be installed and set up in minutes. The JCB Alert Tower works to provide a mobile, wireless, video-verified alarm that also features beam detectors which can be used as a standalone system or seamlessly integrated with a wide range of other VPS Site Security products in order to deliver a more comprehensive solution. This solution is ideal to protect a vacant property, construction or remote sites. The new JCB Alert Tower offers a range of 14m in daylight and 12m at night. The Alert Tower can also be fitted with additional security, siren and safety systems in order to deliver the customer a comprehensive and custom-made security solution. The Alert Tower has been created with a bright, robust and bespoke design that has been filled with the latest technology in order to offer the most effective solution. The entry level tower offers a level of flexibility that is game-changing for customers looking to secure a location, inside and out where there is no other infrastructure in place. The JCB Alert Tower has been designed as a reaction to customer requests for an easy to manoeuvre, easy to deploy security solution that can still offer state of the are temporary security that is customisable and affordable. This versatile solution offers a 10 second full colour video clip upon being triggered. This video is then automatically transferred to the VPS Monitoring Centre for verification. The camera is powered by a 2-year battery and is held in a waterproof casing while also making the most of infrared illumination.

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HVAC and Changes to Energy Efficiency

From April 2018, there will be changes made to the energy efficiency regulations which will mean that every property that is non-domestic and privately rented must have an energy performance certificate, or EPC. It has been said that, as part of the changes, the property must have a rating of at least an E energy efficiency, as with will be a central part of meeting regulations as well as cutting costs and minimising the level of carbon emissions released. For heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, a number of tips have been laid out by John Rush, the HVAC and mechanical services expert for Boulting Environmental Services, the cleanroom and laboratory design and construction specialist. The company begin by saying that when designing the facility, it must be safe comfortable and energy efficient. Making a building energy efficient can be achieved in a number of different ways, such as making improvements to any of the HVAC systems, which can have the most significant effect especially in laboratories. Labs have to feature large HVAC systems, which means that they consume a large amount of energy per square metre. These units are essential for the control of airflow and temperature, and by installing a good HVAC design, the carbon footprint of a laboratory can be dramatically reduced. In commercial buildings, the ventilation requirements of a typical office equates to around 4 Air Changes per Hour. However for laboratories this increases dramatically to anywhere between 8 and 30 Air Changes. This means that the HVAC used needs to be able to cope with the higher demand, which has a knock on effect on the amount of energy used. Another development in HVAC is the use of Direct Digital Controls which can be introduced by designers and can offer variable flow control for fume cupboards and supply air, which can be altered depending on the occupancy and usage of the room. The Automatic occupancy controls means that air change rates can be reduced when there is a lower level of fume cupboard use.

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Scotframe Timber Engineering Acquired by Saint-Gobain

The established Scottish offsite manufacturing specialists, as well as full timber frame housing kit manufacturers, Scotframe Timber Engineering has announced that they have been acquired by a multinational construction group. The offsite manufacturer of timber frame housing solutions has been acquired by Saint-Gobain. Scotframe has their headquarters in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire and has over 160 employees. The company had reported sales last year of around £30 million. The company has become well-known for providing modular housing and is a market leader in the manufacture and supply of closed panel systems. On top of this, Scotframe works to supply customers with full timber frame housing kits to be installed by small and medium sized builders, developers or self-builders across the UK. This acquisition marks a new start for the offsite manufacturing experts and there is a great deal of potential in becoming a part of Saint-Gobain group. The multi-national construction group has a great reputation and shows a good level of business strength which could lead to an equally strong future for Scotframe. The Saint-Gobain Group was first established in 1655 in north east France. The company was the first to produce glass on an industrial scale and has since managed to expand, working in a number of different locations around the world. The construction group has a strong presence in Scotland and has recently completed the Queensferry Crossing which is known for being the longest three-tower cable-stayed bridge in the world. The Founder and MD of Scotframe, Bob Edwards will be staying with the company and will continue working as Managing Director after the acquisition. It is also thought that following the takeover Scotframe will continue to operate business as usual, working to serve customers with high-quality manufactured products. Bob Edwards has said that nothing will change for Scotframe customers, but the company will be making the most of an opportunity to be a part of a global construction group.

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Moy Materials Take Home Trainer of the Year at LWRA Awards

The leading supplier of high performance innovative waterproofing and insulation systems for UK and Ireland, Moy Materials won Trainer of the Year at the 2017 Liquid Roof Waterproofing Association Awards, or LRWA. As one of the UK and Ireland’s leading suppliers of flat waterproofing systems for the roofing industry, Moy Materials were shortlisted in two different categories at this year’s awards ceremony. The prestigious LWRA Awards saw Paul Sutherland of Moy Materials take home Trainer of the Year. The awards have been created to celebrate those who contribute to one of the fastest growing sectors of the roofing industry, showcasing the highest quality, professionalism and workmanship at the Awards ceremony, which took place in Hotel Football, Old Trafford. Moy Materials were also nominated for Liquid Roofing Project of the Year >1000㎡, for the work that they had carried out with Plan Construction Ltd. However, it was the company’s highly skilled technical representative, Paul who managed to go home with a trophy. The award nominated by the LWRA seeks to celebrate those who have been seen to make an outstanding contribution to the training of liquid installation in the UK. Moy Materials first entered the Northern UK market in 2011 and, as a result of this has seen their UK sales quadruple while their technical team work to answer the demands of the booming UK construction market. Moy Materials have also predicted a good year next year, with expectations that their share of the UK specification market will increase significantly in 2018. The company is proud to deliver such high quality technical service, and the awards are a great way of coming together with other industry professionals in order to acknowledge the achievements of the industry and serve as a benchmark for high standards in the roofing industry going forward. With Moy predicting more business success next year, hopefully they will see more recognition at next year’s LWRA Awards.

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Lighting Controls Ltd. chosen for Rotherwick House

Lighting Controls Ltd. is pleased to announce that it is the designer, supplier and commissioning contractor for the lighting and ancillary control systems fit-out for Rotherwick House. This Grade II Listed office building will be the head office of property management company, Esca Estates. Situated on the corner of Thomas More Street and East Smithfield this recently refurbished 3-storey building is situated on its own cobbled courtyard and is adjacent to the St Katharine Docks Estate and Thomas More Square. The lighting control system will include lighting control modules and the ecolux headend software control system. In total the building comprises 13,540 sq ft.

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SELECT welcomes building standards review and calls for mandatory use of approved certifier schemes

The Scottish Government should seize the chance of a new review into building standards to make sure that its own approved certifier schemes become mandatory across the construction industry. That was the view last night (Nov 14, 2017) of SELECT, the campaigning body for the electrotechnical trade in Scotland as it responded to the Review Panel on Building Standards (Compliance and Enforcement). The review was prompted by an independent report into the closure of 17 Edinburgh schools last year after the collapse of a wall at Oxgangs Primary, and the subsequent tragic events this year at Grenfell Tower in London. SELECT welcomed the review panel and said that it looked forward to working with the relevant bodies with a view to helping to introduce real change into the Scottish building standards system. Dave Forrester, Head of Technical Services at SELECT, said: “Parts of the building standards regime work very well at the moment. Technical standards, for instance, are flexible enough to accommodate change and innovation. “However, there are a number of issues surrounding approved certification which we think the review could profitably address in order to remove anomalies and build confidence in the certification process.” Mr Forrester pointed out that approved certifiers are directly responsible for the work that is certified under a building warrant. Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS), the membership organisation representing verifiers, has issued guidelines regarding certification services. Some local authorities, however, are still either unaware of or ignoring the LABSS guidance and accepting forms of certification without detailed scrutiny. Mr Forrester said: “The review is an excellent and thoughtful response to the issues raised by recent tragic events. It is an opportunity to really consider the regime of compliance and enforcement and to embrace meaningful change. “This is the ideal moment to make it a mandatory requirement to use the existing approved certifier schemes, particularly for Government-funded work, and to extend the process to all Schedule 3 work [work subject to building regulations but not requiring a warrant].” SELECT, Scotland’s largest trade association has over 1250 member companies who account for around 90% of all electrical installation work carried out in Scotland. They have a collective turnover of around £1 billion and provide employment for 15,000 people.

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