Construction output in May 2016 is estimated to have decreased by 2.1% compared with April 2016.
Latest estimates from the Office for National Satistics say that both all new work and repair and maintenance decreased in May 2016, falling by 2.6% and 1.4% respectively.
Year-on-year, construction output decreased by 1.9% in May 2016 compared with May 2015
In the three months March to May 2016, construction output decreased by 2.1% compared with the previous three months and by 1.7% compared with the same period of 2015.
The main contribution to May’s decrease came from private new housing, which – amid the uncertainty of the run-up to the EU referendum – was down 3.2% compared with April. New housing has now slowed in every month of 2016 except February.
Infrastructure continues to be volatile, with periods of expansion and contraction throughout the time series. In May 2016 there was an increase of 0.6% which is the first month-on-month increase since December 2015. On the year there was a fall of 10.3%, which is the fifth consecutive month of year-on-year decreases.

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This article was published on 15 Jul 2016 (last updated on 15 Jul 2016).