Wandsworth Council has shortlisted five housing developers for a scheme to regenerate a 13 hectare site in Battersea.
Above: The estates to be rebuilt are alongside the rail tracks
The council is looking for a private sector partner to form a joint venture vehicle to deliver the regeneration of the Winstanley and York Road Estates on the north side of Clapham Junction railway station.
The shortlisted groups are:
- Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Investments/First Base
- Berkeley Group
- C&C Properties UK/Pinnacle Group
- Lend Lease Europe
- Taylor Wimpey UK.
The project aims to improve the local environment, creating a redesigned neighbourhood of approximately 2,000 homes, with new retail, leisure, community and office space.
Bilfinger GVA is lead advisor to Wandsworth Council for the procurement process.
The selection of a preferred party is expected in December 2016.

Further Images
This article was published on 18 Mar 2016 (last updated on 18 Mar 2016).