Scottish loan scheme for energy efficiency measures open
Published: 11 May, 2016
The Scottish Government HEEPS Loan Scheme for energy efficiency measures is now open, offering owner-occupiers, private tenants and registered private sector landlords an interest free loan of up to £15,000 for installing a variety of measures.
The repayment period varies based on the amount borrowed but those taking out higher value loans for solid wall insulation for example, will be able to pay back over 10 years.
The Solid Wall Insulation Guarantee Agency (SWIGA) is advising anyone considering solid wall insulation to their property to ensure they use a SWIGA member.
SWIGA’s Contractor and System holder members have to meet stringent entry criteria prior to joining to ensure they are trained correctly, understand the systems and installation techniques needed to fit the systems correctly as well as ensuring the companies that join are financially viable as businesses to carry out solid wall insulation work.
The SWIGA guarantee offers cover for external wall, internal wall and hybrid systems for traditional solid wall properties, non-traditional properties such as no-fines concrete and frame buildings, as well as providing cover for low and high rise apartments.
“Not only does SWIGA provide consumer protection with our independent 25-year guarantee we can offer the customer independent industry expertise – our membership includes all major system designers who we can draw on, but we also have an independent approach and can offer expert opinion on client projects,” said Andrew Champ, executive director of SWIGA.
“We differ from insurance companies in that in the unusual event of installation issues, we will arbitrate directly with the home owner on any disputes, working with our network to obtain the best outcome for the owner. Our prime focus has always been on prevention, not cure. Our Quality Assurance framework is key and our pre-vetting procedures do more than any other to avoid issues from the outset.”