SHARC Energy Systems Start Innovative Green Energy Project

A new joint-venture between Scottish Water Horizons and East Midlands-based SHARC Energy Systems will be delivering a first of its kind project in the UK at Campbeltown’s Aqualibrium leisure centre, operated by Argyll & Bute Council. The centre and swimming pool will be heated by the use of ground-breaking technology that places a focus on sustainability.

“The Aqualibrium project is a significant step for the joint venture and SHARC, demonstrating how our technology provides a real, sustainable and renewable alternative heat service to customers in rural communities as well as urban centres,” said Russ Burton, Chief Operating Officer of SHARC Energy Systems.

The £1 million project consists of a state of art installation that will intercept waste water from Scottish Water’s adjacent Kinloch Park Pumping Station. The technology will extract the naturally occurring residual heat, amplify it and transfer it to the clean water network to provide heating to the leisure centre. The low-carbon, sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy system will then heat the 25-metre swimming pool, fitness suite, steam room, sauna and library in the centre.

“We are actively exploring ways in which we can utilise Scottish Water assets to facilitate green technology and through the joint venture with SHARC Energy Systems delivering heat from waste-water systems and the fantastic low-carbon benefits which are generated,” said Donald MacBrayne, Scottish Water Horizons Business Development Manager.

“We are thrilled that after months of hard work and the launch of the joint venture we are able to bring the Campbeltown project to life. Once complete, the Aqualibrium Centre will benefit from significant carbon savings, helping Argyll & Bute Council meet their carbon reduction targets and lower their heat costs,” he continued.

Expected to be completed by November, Aqualibrium is the first project to be delivered by the new joint venture between Scottish Water Horizons, a subsidiary of Scottish Water, and sustainable energy firm SHARC Energy Systems. The work also builds on Scottish Water’s £23m environmental improvement scheme in Campbeltown in 2012, which delivered a state-of- the-art waste-water system and key infrastructure upgrade in the town.

Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025