Third Party Cookies
We use a number of social media tools to enhance visitor interaction on our site. If you already use these platforms their cookies may be set through our website. Data may then be collected by these companies that enables them to serve up adverts on other sites that they think are relevent to your interests. If you do not use such platforms then our site will not place these cookies on your device.
Twitter Cookies: __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz, _sm_au_d, _twitter_sess, _twitter_sess, ab_sess_activity_ddg_126, ab_sess_activity_up_top_98, ab_sess_promoted_arrows_and_pills_78, ab_sess_Relevance_V1-49, ab_sess_search_relevance_ranked_hits_189, ab_sess_search_relevance_social_167, ab_sess_t1_actions_156, ab_sess_wtf_user_to_user_rec_155, auth_token, auth_token_session, dnt, external_referer, guest_id, k, lang, original_referer, pid, secure_session, t1, twid, twll
Facebook Cookies: _e_0ITr_10, _e_bWDI_21, _e_bWDI_22, _e_bWDI_23, _e_bWDI_24, _e_CTMK_0, _e_CTMK_1, _e_CTMK_2, _e_e6Yv_0, _e_e6Yv_1, _e_e6Yv_2, _sm_au_d, act, c_user, c_user, datr, e, L, L, lu, presence, reg_ext_ref, reg_ext_ref, reg_fb_gate, reg_fb_gate, reg_fb_ref, reg_fb_ref, sct, sct, wd, x-referer, xs, xs
Google Cookies: _sm_au_d, APISID, BEAT, HSID, IGTP, NID, OTZ, PP_TOS_ACK, PREF, S, S_awfe, SAPISID, SID, SS, SSID, ULS, W6D
Microsoft Cookies: MC1, WT_FPC