Delivery milestones met by eight CfD projects

Eight of the 27 projects to be awarded Contracts for Difference (CfD) in the first auction have passed their milestone requirements according to the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC).

In February the LCCC announced that four of the projects had met their requirements. It has now announced that a further four have met theirs too. They are: BH Energy Gap’s 26MW energy from waste plant in Walsall; Energy Works’ 25 MW energy from waste plant in Hull; CGN Europe Energy’s 45 MW Brenig onshore wind farm at Denbigh in Wales; and Cambridgeshire County Council’s 9.9MW Triangle Farm solar park.

The four projects which passed their milestones previously are: Enviropark’s 11MW energy from waste plant at Hirwuan in Wales; Whirlwind Renewables’ 10MW Achlachan onshore wind farm in Scotland; TCI Renewables’ 6.15MW Common Barn onshore wind farm in Cambridgeshire; and Banks Renewables’ 16.4MW Moor House onshore wind farm in County Durham.

So far the total capacity of projects from the first CfD auction which have met their requirements is just under 150MW. 

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Issue 326 : Mar 2025