CDM 2015: An introduction to the role of the principal designer – London, 14 June 2016

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HSL is to run a 1 day course on The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) – An Introduction to the Role of the Principal Designer – LONDON.

ETC Venues –
Marble Arch
Garfield House
86 Edgware Road
W2 2EA

Garfield House

86 Edgware Road


W2 2EAGarfield Hous86 Edgware Ro

W2 2EA

14 June 2016

CDM 2015 creates a new role of the Principal Designer (PD) – a
designer or design organisation appointed from the existing project
team with duties to plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction
phase and coordinate matters relating to health and safety during
the pre-construction phase. A significant part of the course is
intended to increase awareness and understanding of how
construction risks can be mitigated through design and exchange of

This event provides an introduction to this new role and is
aimed at designers, clients, contractors and/or individuals who may
take on the pre-construction phase coordination role for the first
time, or simply want to understand the PD function for small to
medium size projects.  It is not aimed at former CDM-Cs.
  The course will be delivered by an ex-HSE Principal
Construction Inspector with almost 40 years’ experience. It will

  • An introduction and overview to CDM 2015 and the duties of the
    Principal Designer
  • The role of the construction client
  • The Principal Designer’s role in supporting the client
  • Obtaining and using pre-construction information
  • Appointment of designers and contractors
  • The Principal Designer’s role in ensuring designers comply with
    their duties
  • Exploring through case study and discussion the key health and
    safety risks construction workers can face during construction and
  • Coordinating the flow of health and safety information
  • The role of the Principal Contractor and liaison with the
  • Preparing the health and safety file


  • Understand the changes introduced by CDM 2015, the policy
    objectives behind them, and how the Regulations enable
    proportionate compliance dependent on project complexity
  • Know the role and duties of the Client, Principal Designer,
     designers, Principal Contractor, and contractors and the
    relationships and interfaces with the Principal Designer
  • Know the key health and safety risks faced by construction
    workers and those maintaining a structure
  • Understand the importance of pre-construction information, its
    limitations and the need for interpretation and further
    investigation in some circumstances
  • Understand the importance of achieving the effective
    communication of and use of design information
  • Understand how effective management, coordination and
    monitoring during the pre-construction phase can help to eliminate
    or reduce risks during the construction and life of the
  • As PDs, be better placed to make decisions on the relevancy of
    pre-construction and design information they should provide to PCs
    for construction phase health & safety plans, and relevant
    information for health and safety files


This training is aimed at individuals and employees of
organisations who meet the definition of designer and could be
appointed as PD, and those who want to understand the duties of a
PD as defined in CDM 2015.

This course is intended to provide an introduction and overview
only to this new role and help delegates understand the actions
that need to be taken to discharge the Principal Designer’s duties.
It is not aimed at those involved in major projects or designed to
establish or evaluate competence.

ETC Venues –
Marble Arch
Garfield House
86 Edgware Road
W2 2EA

The cost of this course is £495 per person (includes course
notes, certificate of attendance and lunch/refreshments).

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Please note the invoice option is not available within 4
weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.

For further dates and additional information email:
or contact the Training & Conferences Unit

at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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