Make Renovating a Garden Easy

It is fair to say that if you are thinking about renovating your garden you feel like you have a job on your hands. It is not just a question of moving plants from one part of the garden to another. A full-on renovation may see you have trees and bushes to remove. You may want to get rid of or reposition paving slabs or pathways. You may be considering laying new paving. Garden renovation is difficult work but it can be made easy with the right tools.

If you are an avid DIY enthusiast or you own a small home improvement business, using tool hire will save you money and do the lion’s share of the work. A true win–win scenario.

Before you start Renovating your Garden

Before you start renovating your garden, make a plan. This will give you ideas and help you pinpoint exactly what you want to do in your garden renovation. From here you can prioritise the list of jobs. If you are working for a client and not undertaking a DIY project you may have your client’s plan to work to. If you do not, It is essential that you and your client agree exactly what you are going to do before you unleash a mini digger on their favourite flower bed.

Once you have your plan play around with ideas. You probably have a broad idea at how you want things to look, but you will probably find that your project takes a new life as new ideas bed down into your plan. Decide how much maintenance you are prepared to do when deciding what plants to use in your garden, and take a few visits to garden centres so you can see what’s possible.

Make a List of Priorities

Once you have a plan decide what to do in order of when you need to do it. This will help you schedule when to arrange tool hire and this gives you a broad idea of how long your project will take. It is good practise to build in a little extra time as problems always arise.


Unless your project is small in scope, you will probably need to clear away a large part of your garden if not all of it. You have big DIY ideas and this needs to be done. This is where mini digger hire saves you money and allows you to excavate your garden effectively giving you a blank canvass to work with.

Mini diggers are an invaluable tool when renovating your garden. If you are a home improvement business they not only provide a cost effective way of taking on bigger work, they also avoid a range of headaches such as planned maintenance and servicing, and paying for repairs should your mini digger develop a fault.

Once you have the digger you should be able to clear away as much of the garden as you need to quickly. This is just the beginning, however, as the next phase may involve laying pathways and patios, planting, building and possibly plumbing and electrical work. As an enthusiastic DIY person or home improvement business owner, you have your work cut out!

Garden Renovation Equipment Tool Hire

Other tools you may need to hire to handle the heavy loads include:

  • Skip – You need to put the rubbish somewhere and skips are the best option. This makes rubbish removal easy and you don’t have to keep doing dump runs to get rid of your rubbish, delaying the project and adding on costs.
  • Cement Mixers – If you’re laying patios or paths you want to be able to mix large volumes of concrete. Cement mixers are perfect for this task and speed up the laying process considerably.
  • Rollers – Rollers compact soil, asphalt, and gravel and as such give the perfect foundation to make your garden renovation come to life. Some you push by hand. For bigger projects ride on rollers are available.
  • Chainsaw – If you want to fell a tree you will need a chainsaw to do this job. Unless you’ll need a chainsaw for a considerable amount of work, it makes sense to hire one from a good tool hire shop.
  • Wood Cutting Equipment – If you are planning to build wooden structures in your garden, being able to cut wood accurately and easily is necessary. There are plenty of options to choose from so finding the right saw for what you need to accomplish should be straightforward and help you complete your tasks faster and more accurately.

Once the heavy work is out the way you can start developing your garden renovation. For this, a different set of tools is needed. As a minimum you will need:

  • Wheelbarrow
  • Garden Trowels
  • Garden Gloves
  • Hand Pruners And Loppers
  • Plant Dividing Tools
  • Garden Hose Reel Cart
  • Garden Forks
  • Shovel
  • Wide Brimmed Hat

On a final note, many hands make light work. If you are doing a DIY project recruit as many friends and family to help.

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025