On 19 June 2019, PCSG and Designing Buildings launched BIM Wiki, a free, open access knowledge sharing platform for building information modelling.
The site launches with more than 150 articles already written, covering everything from employer’s information requirements to parametric modelling, and including a detailed step-by-step guide to BIM Level 2. Its creators are calling on the industry to help develop the site into a comprehensive source of BIM best practice by contributing new articles and engaging with the existing content.
BIM Wiki has been launched in response to research published by Designing Buildings in 2017 that showed BIM remains an isolated subject, the domain of expert practitioners and not well integrated into the rest of the industry. This was confirmed by the recent NBS National BIM Report, which pointed to the emergence of a ‘two speed industry’, with 22% of those yet to use BIM saying they would rather not adopt it at all.
PCSG Chairman, Mark Bew, said: “From our work around the globe it is clear that the UK’s progress to becoming a true digital economy for the built environment has made a fantastic start. The legacy of the 2011 Construction Strategy created a firm understanding of the scope and opportunity for change in the industry. Level 2 BIM has now been adopted around the world, and many nations are accelerating their uptake with the release of ISO 19650.
“However, there is still much to be learnt, shared, and adopted before we can truly say we are ready for the next stage of this journey. A vital part of this process is connecting the people and organisations who are embracing a digital, data-centred, collaborative approach to practical, clear, and accessible information. This is why Designing Buildings Wiki and the free resource it represents is so valuable. I believe that the BIM Wiki will, going forwards, play a hugely important role in our continued digital journey.”
BIM Wiki is a development of Designing Buildings Wiki, and is fully linked to its 8,500 articles and easily accessible by its 6.5 million users. This integration with an established and well-respected industry knowledge base will help take BIM processes beyond the realm of specialists.
Gregor Harvie, Director of Designing Buildings, said: “The discipline that BIM processes impose on the industry needs to become a normal part of every project, not an optional extra. Having a common understanding and a common language is crucial to achieving this. What we are launching today is just the start, we are calling on the BIM community to engage with BIM Wiki, to add to and improve it, to debunk BIM myths and create a truly-comprehensive knowledge base that is fully integrated into the wider industry.”
You can see BIM Wiki at: www.designingbuildings.co.uk/BIM_Wiki
To create an article, just click the orange ‘Create an article’ button, and to add it to BIM Wiki, tick the ‘BIM’ category at the end.