What to Consider When Giving Your Washroom a Revamp

Benefits include improved image and hygiene, lower costs and easier cleaning

There are various benefits to improving your washroom facilities, so when planning a revamp consider the following:


The washroom may be one of the first areas of your premises a visitor experiences, and for your staff an important company facility they’ll constantly make use of.

Modern washroom design means you can create not only an attractive and even stylish environment, but perhaps one that reinforces your company branding such as certain colour schemes.

That said, be careful of colour choice – more neutral or timeless colours are usually the best. Some colours – such as certain brighter shades – may be ‘in’ for a while but may eventually lose their appeal.

Pleasant, stylish, clean odour free washroom areas using modern washroom technology such as high-speed air hand dryers, and the latest ‘touchless’ tech for hand washing and drying, present a positive company image to staff, clients and other visitors.

Cost savings

If your washroom facilities are several years old, the chances are you’re spending more money on day to day running costs than you might if more modern equipment was installed.

Water use can be drastically reduced with modern toilets and hand washing facilities that use less water. 

Indirectly, further costs can be saved in reduced staff absences through contaminations and infections due to poor washroom hygiene thanks to the improvements that new washroom tech offers.

Installing more modern facilities such as the latest air hand dryers and soap dispensers is more efficient and saves money; it’s also worth reviewing your washroom services arrangements as part of the revamp.

Health and safety

Ensuring high standards of health and safety are met is paramount since your washroom is likely used by all types of people including your staff, clients, and likely various other visitors.

For example, some modern washroom design features elements such as doors with anti-finger trap locks, cubicle doors that can be lifted off their hinges incorporating emergency release locks if access is required; for instance, if someone is taken ill.


Do your current washroom facilities meet your company’s needs in terms of capacity?

If the washroom, or a specific washroom in a larger commercial building where there are multiple washrooms, struggles to cope with demand – for example, at work breaks or the beginning of the lunch hour or similar – then a revamp may include increasing capacity such as more cubicles and sinks.

Calling in specialist washroom planners and fitters might be the best course of action to make the most of existing space.

Efficiency and cleanliness

More modern washrooms are easier to keep clean than some older designs with more tiling and grouting, nooks and crannies and maybe more exposed pipework that can attract dirt and contaminants.

Modern washroom design often features more flat and smooth surfaces that are easier to clean, less likely to become overly contaminated, can conceal pipework, and feature more ‘touchless’ facilities such as hand washers and dryers operated by motion detection.


Unless your washroom revamp merely consists of a lick of paint, a more comprehensive upgrade represents a significant investment in your company’s facilities so requires careful budgeting.

Decide your priorities and talk to experienced washroom design specialists to see what’s possible for your planned expenditure.

A sound investment

Upgrading your washroom facilities is a major investment that will offer many benefits – but it’s important to plan and execute it efficiently.


What to consider when undertaking a washroom revamp on a business premises including improved image, cost savings, cleanliness and higher standards of hygiene.






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Issue 325 : Feb 2025