
Finding And Choosing Right Plumbers In Perth


Finding And Choosing Right Plumbers In Perth

Whether you’re facing a plumbing emergency or you are searching for plumbers in Perth for regular plumbing work, you would want to hire the services of a reliable, experienced and reputable company. You shouldn’t choose the first plumber you can find even though it seems the easiest thing to do in a plumbing emergency.

The thing is anyone can start a plumbing company and start offering their services at a cheaper price just to get a foot in. It’s up to you to do your homework and research to ensure hiring of a reliable and experienced plumber. Here’s what you need to do in order to make the right choice when hiring a plumber.

1. Finding Plumbers

There are several sources. Ask your friends and family members for recommendations or ask a neighbour if they have used the services of a plumber in the recent past. Use your favourite search engine or online directory to discover plumbers near your location. Plumbing companies also tend to advertise in local newspapers. Check local newspapers to find plumbing companies.

2. Check Their Licensing

Before you think of giving them a call, make sure they are properly licensed. Keep in mind that you might be on the hook for damages in case an unlicensed individual tinkers with the plumbing system and causes problems for you or for your neighbours. So, make sure to check their licensing information.

Ideally, this information should be available on their website. If the plumber doesn’t have a website or this information is unavailable there, ask them politely. Experienced Perth Plumbers understand the importance of sharing license information when customers ask for it.

3. Check Their Insurance

All licensed and professional plumbing companies maintain proper insurance. It is important to have necessary insurance as without insurance they might be on the hook for damages caused by a person working in their company. However, you should never take their word for it and ask them to share it politely. They should never shy away from providing the required information when you ask them politely.

4. Check their Experience

Plumbers are known as tradesmen as they learn most of the things while on the job. There is some theory to learn but most of the plumbing knowledge comes from practical experience. Check the website of the plumbing company to find their experience, especially the experience of the person who will work on your property.

If the experience isn’t available on their website, ask them politely about it. Don’t hire a plumber who does not have many years of experience in the industry as plumbing can’t simply be learned from the books.

5. Reviews

All plumbers use the same tools and techniques but still, there’s a lot of difference in the level of service performed by different plumbers. This difference in their service levels is reflected in customer reviews online. Fortunately, you can now check reviews from real customers for all kinds of services and a plumbing company is no exception.

Use your favourite search engine to discover forums and review websites where users from Perth share information about plumbers in Perth. Go through the reviews and make sure the plumbing company you are considering has mostly positive reviews. Don’t be deterred by a few negative reviews as nobody can keep everyone happy.

6. Pricing Transparency

One of the most common problems people have with plumbers is hidden charges. They will quote one price when you call them and describe the plumbing issue but when you get the final invoice, the numbers are completely different. You do not want to work with a company that is not clear on their pricing. If you’re not in a plumbing emergency, ask for estimates from at least 3 different plumbing companies who have years of experience and are known to be reliable, before choosing one. It will help you in getting the best value for your money.


To summarise, hiring a plumber without proper research is inviting trouble into your home. Follow the above tips and make sure you check their experience, license and insurance before allowing them to work on your property.


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