How do you respond after a ransomware attack?

Have you ever been a victim of a ransomware attack like that of May 12, 2017? Wannacry malware left hundreds of thousands of internet users helpless as they were locked out of their business and personal data after the malware encrypted it all. You could only get a decryption key after a certain amount of money is paid to a random bitcoin wallet. Most attacks will demand that you pay through cryptocurrency, to make it difficult to trace the recipient and people responsible. In other words, you can always remain in the dark even after recovering access to your data, which is still never guaranteed even after paying the ransom.

Fortunately, professional ransomware removal can help you negotiate, recover some of your vital data, and protect you from future ransomware attacks. The best thing is that they can even assist with sophisticated decryption systems without even paying the attacker thanks to the towering experience and technology they bring on the table.

So, how do you respond in case of a ransomware attack? Here are some tips:

  • Don’t pay the ransom

If the attackers get hold of sensitive information, you might be tempted to pay the ransom immediately to avoid embarrassment if the data leaks. It is important to note that there is no guarantee that you’ll get access to all your data even after paying the ransom. Anecdotal accounts of ransomware victims indicate that only 19% of the total people were able to restore complete data. That is a small probability and isn’t worth the risk.

  • Identify the attack for isolation

There are two main types of ransomware attacks that can be targeted to companies or individuals. That is encryption based and skin-locking, and they will often work differently. It is important to establish which attack is channeled on you to weigh the available options for retrieving your data. After that, you must turn off the power supplies and separate all the machines and gadgets that you suspect have been attacked. You should also shut down the main network access and deactivate all shared storage spaces.

  • Enact incident response plan

If you are working for a big organization, there must be a ransomware attack protocol that all employers are trained to initiate in case they are struck. That includes backing up any files that have not been affected to the cloud storage. You might want to notify your IT and cybersecurity department because this is a security breach. All other employees and stakeholders must be notified immediately to initiate the incidence response protocol on their ends.

If the attack is aimed at you as an individual, the next course of action should be using an uninfected gadget to attempt systems restoration from any available backup.

  • Notify cybersecurity firm

While you might have cybersecurity departments, specialized firms have the resources and experience to retrace the deadliest ransomware attacks that you can think for. They’ll also take immediate charge of your systems to ensure that subsequent coordinated attacks are thwarted before causing any further harm. In fact, there is a chance that your data may even be recovered immediately if the firm comes up with a decryption key to lock the attackers out.

  • Watch out for measures to deter such attacks in the future

Lastly, you’ll want to create a safer buffer between you and any possible attack to avoid such a traumatic showdown in the feature. There are various resourceful materials that you can access online and learn basic cybersecurity tips. For instance, you’ll learn about safe and unsafe websites, how to identify dubious links, and how to create passwords that can withstand the attackers’ brute force.

The above recovery process will see to it that you don’t suffer much emotionally and money-wise in terms of giving in to your attacker’s demands. Don’t forget to make the right choices if you ever fall victim.

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