What’s The Future Of Sustainable Power?

From one angle, the future of the world looks bright. But if you look closer, it’s actually green. The piece of good news is that the world may be fully powered by renewable energy by 2050; that’s just three more decades to go. How ready are you to experience the new era of sustainable power? Here are all the key insights you need to know about the transformational shift to sustainable energy.

Key stats and facts about renewable energy

According to statistics, if the world completely migrates to renewable energy, it could save 4-7 million people from losing their lives to air pollution every year. Power experts in the renewable energy industry are very confident about this statistic. And they believe that the next 30 years may mark the turning point for new power solutions. Global connectivity to wind, solar, hydroelectric power can potentially cut down energy use and power costs. However, without the necessary support from stakeholders, including policymakers and business organizations, the historic transition to green energy may be a daydream. Even if it may happen, it will fall outside the 30-year time limit.  

A whole world using sustainable energy: how will that look like?

Many people cannot just wait to see a 100% renewable world. So they keep wondering what life will be like in that advanced age. Thanks to the availability of numerous research data on renewable energy subject, curious minds can have a better preview of the renewable world that lies ahead. Stanford University researchers have carefully analyzed tons of research papers on the subject in an attempt to foresee the different scenarios. 

Is renewable energy going to be limited to entire nations or just a few individual countries? This is one of the pressing questions that interest researchers. The Stanford University research project looked at a broad diversity of situations, geographical locations, world superpowers, and the sub-Saharan African region. What they found was nothing short of good news. It emerged that the world can generate enough renewable electricity to power the transport sector, heating, and cooling industry, and meet almost all its energy demands. This will not be limited to major powers, but different locations on a global scale.

Aside from saving 4-7 million lives annually, renewable energy can reverse the negative impact of global warming and also stabilize the world’s energy sector. This is not something from science fiction. It actually lies within the confines of modern energy companies. 

Companies like Dale Power Solutions have already started responding to the renewable energy challenge by helping organizations boost the efficiency of their power systems. The fact is that the need for back-up power solutions will continue to abide even if the world succeeds in going fully renewable.

To summarize, the oil-driven world is poised to hit the rocks, moving forward. One Finish research study estimated that oil-rich Saudi Arabia could switch to renewable systems by 2040. Moreover, modern civilization knows that without the transition to sustainable energy, their future on Planet Earth may be uncertain.

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Issue 327 : Apr 2025