10 Ways To Boost Your Employability

Being employable is something that most of us all want to be. No matter who we are, our backgrounds, or what industry we work in, you will always want to make sure that you are able to get the job that you want, when you want to get it. Yet, it’s not always that easy. Even if you are a great person, you are someone that really cares about the work they do and puts the effort in, you may still not have an aura of employability about you. It could be that maybe your CV isn’t quite selling you, or that you don’t have some of the skills that people are looking for. It could even be that you can’t get across your skills enough.

As much as you may not want it to, this could then actually hinder your chances of moving up in the industry or getting the job that you want. And so, you’re going to want to think about what you can do to make sure that you are more employable. It can be hard to work out what you need to do to be able to make that happen. Maybe you are a hard worker and you are already doing a great job? When that’s the case, you may not know what you need to do to stand out more. However, you’ll be glad to know that there are a handful of things that you can do that will really help you to stand out. Here are ten options to help you.

1. Get Some Coaching

To star with, if what you really want is to be able to move up in your career and get into a management role, then maybe leadership coaching would be for you? You may find that once you get some accountability and guidance, you start to know exactly what it is that you need to do to grow. But, this can take time and it’s a learning curve. Either way, having a coach can really help you here.

2. Learn A New Skill

Next up, it could be that you want to think about picking up a new skill. If you are worried about employability, one of the best things that you can do is learn something new. If your skillset is limited, trying your hand at a new skill that will help you to grow is exactly what you need.

3. Get Further Qualifications

And then, you might even want to think about taking that to the next level by getting further qualifications. Maybe there is a professional qualification in your field that you can undertake? Or even a higher-level degree that you can study for? These can definitely help to boost your appeal to employers.

4. Speak To A Specialist

The next thing that you might want to do here, is speak to a specialist in all things careers. It could be reading careers advice online or getting in touch with an HR expert. Either way, if you’re able to get all of the information you need about what would make you more employable, or what you can do to get a promotion, it’s going to help. Anything that is more personalised to your role and industry will allow you to implement changes and climb the career ladder.

5. Drill Down On Your Talents

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re really harnessing your talents. We all have talents – no matter whether you’re a skilled worker, manager, or in the finance team. Everyone has strong points. Yet, do you know what yours are? If you don’t, it’s time to think about them. If your CV doesn’t show off who you are and what your talents are, then how would an employer know?

6. Improve Your Performance

Then, you might want to think about what you can do to improve your performance. If you know that you could liaise with customers better or avoid errors more often, then you’d definitely stand out more. It could be as simple as minimizing distractions or using a good consumer guide to choose more effective eyewear. Anything you can do to help improve your performance will always be a great idea.

7. Go Above & Beyond

From here, you’re also going to want to make sure that you’re doing more. If you just do the bare minimum of work then you may not stand out. Yet if you’re the one going above and beyond and looking to do more to drive the company forward, you’re going to stand out as an important employee.

8. Do Some Volunteer Work

Another thing that you can do here is volunteer. Not everything you do should be centred around your current role. If you want to show that you are a great person to hire, give your skills, experience, and CV some depth. When you volunteer your time to a cause, it can allow you to grow your talents and broaden your horizons. And, not only that, it will show that you have another dimension to you.

9. Get Results

The next thing that you can do, is to make sure that you are delivering results. This can sound really hard on face value, but if you can start to talk about your job and role in numbers and figures, you will suddenly look impressive. Employers want to know what you can do for them. If you can show how you’ve increased profit margins by X or lowered employee turnover by X, you’ll start to look like a more professional candidate.

10. Understand How You Add Value

Finally, you’re then going to want to make sure that you are aware of exactly how you add value to a business. Great people really matter in a company, but if you’re not getting results or adding value, then you won’t stand out. But if you are fully aware of how you can benefit or enhance a business with your skills, personality, or abilities, you’re always going to be in demand. So remember, back yourself, promote yourself, and aim to progress in your industry.

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Issue 326 : Mar 2025