
Outline plans for the commercial development of Clifton Business Park have been approved by Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council.

Offices, light industrial, general industrial and storage and distribution uses are included in the proposed development for the 63-acre site on land off Coal Pit Lane, Clifton, Brighouse, just west of J25 of the M62.

Clifton Business Park is a major regeneration initiative that aims to deliver economic diversity and growth and create a wide range of new jobs locally and regionally.

Clifton Business Park regeneration
Clifton Business Park regeneration
Clifton Business Park regeneration

A team of consultants consisting of SCP, Pegasus Group and Bentley Project Management, collaboratively worked together to deliver support and understand the needs of Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council for the Clifton Enterprise Zone scheme. This support consisted of the development of the masterplan, to secure outline planning permission, and delivery of an Outline Business Case(West Yorkshire Combined Authority – Assurance Process Activity 3) valued at circa £200k to obtain the funding to support the next stages of the scheme’s delivery which has a total value of £33m.

Paul Turton, Project Manager, of SCP, said: “To work collaboratively as a team in a multi-disciplinary approach, has enabled us to support Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to achieve the Outline Planning consent and Outline Business Case to help secure the funding for the proposed Enterprise Zone development at Clifton. This is a fantastic achievement for the Council, and the delivery team, clearly demonstrating that a collective of separate consultancies can work together collaboratively and successfully to support clients to achieve their aspirations”.

Chris Calvert, of Pegasus Group, said: “We are delighted that the outline plans for Clifton Business Park have been approved, with the scheme set to contribute to the continued growth and success of the existing employment uses to the north of A644 (Wakefield Road) in Brighouse, as well as the further growth and expansion of the regional economy across the Leeds City Region.”

Mark Collins, of Bentley Project Management said: ‘Bentley Project Management worked closely with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to submit a successful Outline Business Case to WYCA, to support the delivery of the Clifton Enterprise Zone.’

The design concept aim of the scheme was to create a commercially viable, high-quality business park which would bring significant economic benefit and employment opportunities to the Borough, as well as providing better connections through the site for pedestrians and cyclists.

In achieving the required design concept, engineering driven solutions were required to support the Masterplanning process. This is due to the challenging topography of the site, consisting of a 50m level difference running from the northern to the southern boundary. Through understanding these site constraints, it enabled the team to deliver a buildable solution at this early stage in the scheme, thereby delivering a robust masterplan.

The site had previously been allocated for employment uses by the Council and is located within the M62 corridor Leeds City Region Enterprise Zone. Being in close proximity to the M62, consultation was carried out with Highways England (HE) to understand the impact of the proposed development on their network. Through this analysis, a cost-efficient mitigation scheme was proposed by SCP, which was agreed by HE, thereby removing any objections to the scheme by HE.

Councillors heard that the scheme is set to generate substantial long-term benefits to the economy of the area, including the creation of more than 300 jobs during the construction phase and the support of around 1,300 full-time equivalent jobs once completed.

It is estimated that once operational and fully occupied, the gross value added (GVA) associated with the permanent jobs supported in Calderdale will be £42.6 million per annum. The scheme will bring about improvements to the biodiversity of the site, with new dedicated spaces for wildlife habitat enhancements linked to new landscape planting. Such measures, along with high standards of design for the buildings themselves will assist in providing a sustainable pattern of development.

Prior to the plans being submitted, a series of public consultation exercises were held. Positive feedback was received from local and regional business who expressed an interest in moving to the site if the plans were approved.

Access to the business park will be off the A644 Wakefield Road and Clifton Common Road (A643), with a third access point on Coal Pit Lane provided for pedestrians, cyclists and emergency vehicles only.

For more information on this project or any of our services, please contact us.

Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025