5 Benefits Of Using Building Hoardings

Building hoardings are a non-permanent form of signage commonly seen around construction sites. These panels are typically made of metal or wood and are put into place to keep the public and site workers safe. This façade also shields unsightly construction work from sight, with pleasant graphics available to keep disruption of the local ambience to a minimum.

As well as being a mandatory feature to meet health and safety regulations, there are an array of benefits of using building hoardings. There’s a ton of creative ways to take this compulsory site feature and use it to your advantage. However you choose to implement building wraps, they come with an equally high amount of positive features.

Here, we’ll take a look at the top 5 benefits of using building hoardings.

Project Security

Construction sites are a common target for opportunistic thieves. Packed with expensive tools and equipment, unsecure sites are sitting ducks to burglary. In fact, a survey has found that 92% of sites have been affected by petty crime in one way or another, with 21% of construction sites falling victim to theft on a weekly basis. Correctly implemented building hoardings are known to lower the likelihood of your site joining the statistics.

For contractors, deterring intruders is a necessity. Installing site hoardings around the perimeter of your works keeps it hidden away and adds an extra layer of security. Regulations state that you must secure the outside of your construction site prior to works commencing. Building hoardings are arguable the most effective way of creating a solid barrier to keep unauthorised persons out of the site, creating a checkpoint where ID’s can be checked, and site managers can keep tabs on who is on site.

Safety First

Not only do hoardings help to protect your equipment, they also protect the public. Construction sites can be dangerous places, particularly if you’re not wearing protective gear. From falling objects to on-site vehicles, there are a number of safety hazards which could pose a risk to the general public. Building hoardings create a protective barrier which separates the site from the street.

Acting as a visible barrier, these durable panels can be made as tall as necessary. While the minimum height is around 2 metres, in places of heavy public footfall, higher panels may be favoured. Similarly, the magnitude and design of hoardings make it very clear that public access is prohibited. This ensures that nobody can just stumble upon the building site as the area is very clearly defined.

Advertisement And Marketing

Not only great for protection and safety, building site hoarding opens up a whole world of advertising opportunities. Simply put, they provide a blank canvas to broadcast your message to a captive audience. Particularly if the site is located in a busy central area, adding marketing messages to your hoarding can capture more eyes on a daily basis than other forms of advertising.

Leaving your hoardings blank is a real missed opportunity. This is prime advertising space located perfectly to embed your brand identity into the public’s minds. What’s more, hoardings are legally obliged to be there. This is a superb way to increase your customer base and revenue all while your building is being built. It’s a no brainer.

Graphics can typically be made to bespoke specifications, allowing you to get as creative as you like. This puts the power in your hands when it comes to how your brand is perceived by the public. Site hoardings are an effective way of reinforcing your brand identity and visual marketing strategy, with the ability to utilise company colours, typeface etc in your design.

Drumming Up Public Interest And Engagement

It’s not uncommon that building projects in highly populated areas come under some scrutiny. For many locals, having building works on their doorstep is nothing more than an eye sore. Gathering intrigue and utilising this space to promote local interest is a sure-fire way of extending an olive branch. There are many ways to achieve this desired result with graphic building hoardings.

A concern of many locals may be that the project will be detrimental to the area. While you may want to keep the finer points of your new building under wraps, giving a sneak peak with a graphic depiction of what they can expect the space to look like on completion can set minds at ease and create a talking point for locals.

Similarly, engagement can be promoted by encouraging local figures to get involved with the hoarding design. Whether that’s through broadcasting some symbols and logos of familiarity, or getting local contributors involved in the design, creating a non-homogenised, inclusive solution is sure to stoke the flames of public interest. This is easily achieved with building hoardings.

Keeps Your Design Under Wraps

Site hoarding is also incredibly beneficial as it keeps a bit of mystique around your project prior to completion. You may not want your design to be revealed until it’s ready or prefer that the public didn’t see a half-finished version of your vision. Building hoarding is a cost-effective way to prevent your design becoming exposed while heightening the overall privacy of the works as they go on.

And who doesn’t love a grand reveal? With quality site hoarding in place, the design won’t be seen until it’s been perfected. This also limits outside pressures and prying eyes, allowing the work to go on uninterrupted. As hoardings are a temporary measure, they’re easy to remove once the project is complete.

There are many reasons that you may only want to send your project out into the world when it’s in all its glory, and site hoarding allows you to work incognito until it’s ready for reveal. Also, by choosing a quality hoarding graphic, your work can seamlessly blend in with its surroundings, allowing the construction stage to be as unassuming as possible.

In summary, building hoardings are the best way to improve the safety, security, and overall aesthetics of your temporary works. These site wraps can be used to great effect with graphic designs to increase advertisement and marketing opportunities. And what’s more, they can even get the public invested in your project prior to completion. These 5 benefits make building hoardings a top choice.

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025