December 15, 2020

True Dangers of a Tire Blowout

The summer, at all times when the temperatures tend to rise, is associated with the greatest number of tire blowouts. This seems to be related to the fact that during those months people tend to drive longer and faster, and also when their vehicles tend to be carrying heavier loads.

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December 15, 2020

True Dangers of a Tire Blowout

The summer, at all times when the temperatures tend to rise, is associated with the greatest number of tire blowouts. This seems to be related to the fact that during those months people tend to drive longer and faster, and also when their vehicles tend to be carrying heavier loads. Add to the mix tires that are not necessarily new, and you have the potential of a tire blowout. Other factors contributing to these accidents are insufficient air pressure and impacting obstacles on the road. Which are the main culprits of tire blowouts? Tires that are worn and in bad condition cause serious problems with: Drivability Braking Control of the vehicle What are the problems tires present as they wear down? Worn tires are really dangerous. That is why there are many different issues that can arise from tires that have seen better days, such as: Punctures The tread in tires protects the casing from being punctured. If it is worn down it is much easier for a sharp object to penetrate the tire. If this happens and you get a sudden blowout, you may lose control of the steering wheel and impact other vehicles around you. Hydroplaning When you drive over water such as when it’s raining or through potholes you can feel confident that your car will respond well because your tires have a nice tread that can grip the water and keep you straight on the road. If, on the other hand, your tires are worn, you may feel as if your car is sliding across the water in a phenomenon known as hydroplaning. And, as you are sliding, you may end up hitting other vehicles. Heat Buildup You should know that heat is a major enemy of rubber and an important factor in tire failure. This is because, when the tires wear down, there is less space for air to pass between the grooves of the tread to allow for the tires to cool and they end up heating up to the point where they become dangerous. Leaking Air As tires’ tread gets worn down, they are much more likely to lose air pressure through leaking air. This not only ends up affecting fuel economy, but it makes steering more difficult as well as braking. Is there anything you can do to ensure your tires are safe for driving and have a longer life? Disregarding your tires when it comes to car maintenance may have grave and unintended consequences. That is why it is so important for you to always place them in your to-do list when it comes to car maintenance. Keep these points in mind: Do not Drive with Underinflated Tires Air, after all, is what allows a tire to carry the weight of the vehicle and its cargo. If your tires do not have adequate tire pressure, the components that make up the tire flex beyond their defined limits. Without going into too many specific details, suffice it to say that they would react the same way as a wire hanger that has been bent out of shape too many times. The tires would eventually become so weak that they would end up failing. There is no need for you to be a tire expert to know how much air your tires need. The driver’s door usually shows you that exact information. Some new models even give you an alert when a tire is severely underinflated. If your car does not, please get in the habit of checking your tires’ pressure. Also, if for some reason you have to drive a long distance and realize you did so with an underinflated tire, have a professional take it off and check it before you drive again and tell you how much damage it suffered. It may be necessary for you to buy a new one. Beware of Potholes Potholes are a big enemy of tires, particularly those ultralow-profile ones. If you hit it hard enough, the internals of your tire can be cut or frayed. If the pothole manages to cut all the way through to the inside of the tire, you will have no other option but to buy a new tire. Don’t Overload Your Car Just because your vehicle has the capacity to carry stuff, it does not mean that the tires can do so. Carrying extra heavy loads and having underinflated tires is never a good combination. There is a number molded into the tire that informs you of the maximum weight it can carry, providing it is inflated to the maximum pressure. A Deadly Combination One of your tires might have hit a pothole with no immediate bad results, but an undetected slow leak might be doing its job on it. You may have noticed your car leaning towards one side and done nothing about it or it may take you by surprise. But if you mix that situation with a car that is overloaded and carrying your children and a couple of friends, you may have a tire blowout in the middle of the highway to your destination. This and many other frightening scenarios can be associated with tires that blow out. Maybe your teenager borrowed the car and forgot to tell you about hitting a pothole or it could be that you forget to periodically check the tires’ pressure. Whatever the case, if you have a blowout on the road and can still control your steering wheel, try to maintain the car in your lane while pressing gently on the brake until the car almost stops. Then, gently move towards the shoulder and hopefully, you can stop there. Have you been in an accident where there was a tire blowout involved? If you need legal help because of an accident involving a tire blowout you should know that 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service. They have the legal professionals you need and will match you with a truck accident lawyer in Fort Lauderdale or anywhere

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